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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If you could go back in time to change one gaming purchase... Which one?

DMeisterJ said:

For me I would have never bought a Wii.  :/


me too :( I have two games for it. SMG, and WiiFit. I don't play either, and nothing else on the console sounds fun for me.

Games wise, it would be Ultima IX. God that game sucked.

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No joke, my dad is an uber bible nut, and i should have stopped him that day when we were in the gift shop of a church (?!?! go figure).

He is mildy bi-polar, and he looked so sad when i told him it was probably the worst game in the history of mankind, and laughing so hard while i said it.... from then on he thought i was a satanist. :P He's the best!

Buying the Nintendo DS :(

I wished I saved my money and buy the PSP when it came out... I waited for the PSP slim to come out and I enjoyed the PSP games better. lol... I'm not really into Brain training or pokemon... FF and GoW graphics have me in total awe and still wondering how a portable console can have such high quality.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!

House of the Dead 2 & 3 for the wii and the new wii-ware pirate game.


Dgc1808 said:
dougsdad0629 said:
jerseyboy609 said:
1. Buying an Xbox 360 and getting the ring 3 times
2. Buying Ninja Gaiden Sigma for my first PS3 game (great game, but didnt know about Resistance).
3. Trials of Topoq (should be No.1) for PS3.
4. Eye of Judgement-only brought it for eyetoy.
5. Grand theft Auto Vice City for Xbox, when I already had it for PS2
6. Never Getting into the MGS series befor MGS4.
7. Never played a Final Fantasy game.
8. Never played Gran Turismo before GT5P.
9. Buying a PS3 at $600 a week before the $100 price drop. (this probaly made me the most angry).
10. Buying Pokemon Snap-One of the crapiest game ever (pretty much had no plot).
11. Buying THE worst game ever, Action 52.

and thats all a I can think of for now


 It totally blows me away that people have had the patience to put up with repeated RROD.  The first one would have pissed me off, but I would have accepted it as "just one of those things".  The second one would have meant bye-bye for me as a 360 customer.  No way in hell would I have put up with this like some people have.  I'd rather stand on my own nuts.

RRoD = Number one reason am never buying a 360. In order for me to buy one it would have to be less than 20 bucks and come with 2 amazing games..... and also 1 year free of live to see if it's worth the 50 bucks a year.



 Once you have a Xbox 360 and Xbox Live, you will understand why you feel like its worth it to have one. The graphics, game, and community are wonderful in comparison with other consoles

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Assassin's fucking Creed

I don't really regret any gaming purchase.

Gaming gifts OTOH...

Asking my parents to get me a $399 Saturn for Christmas in 1995, instead of a $299 PlayStation, simply because I loved my Genesis and scoffed at the thought of Sony getting into video games. Me in 1995 = "Sony, stick to what you do well: TVs and audio equipment."

Saturn was a decent system, but it didn't have the games (at least not in NA) and I basically orphaned it once I got a PS. It just wasn't worth $400 in 1995 (an equivalent of $550 dollars today).

The Nintendo 64. Shoulda got a PS1.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

My XBOX360 that sits in my closet right now broken.

Mario Kart 64 didnt even pay full price for it as it was preowned but I hated it so much, probally many games that are worse I bought but there blacked out of my mind.