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Forums - General Discussion - Rate the Signature above you.

8/10 Nice tag line.

Around the Network

7/10 lol @ the little USA Elepahnts.

6/10 Don't like FF that much + it is past the sig length rules. Note: U do know that that is the GOP symbol, right?

halogamer1989 said:
6/10 Don't like FF that much + it is past the sig length rules. Note: U do know that that is the GOP symbol, right?


 Well thats to bad FF is a pretty okayish series. and sig length rules? well i dont know anything about that but i must not be breaking it since i didnt get a warning about it. and whats a GOP Symbol?

@Seraphic Just a friendly neighborhood warning is all. The GOP is the "Grand Ole Party" or Republican Party of the United States of America. The elephant is our mascot.

Around the Network

@Halogamer, ahh k thanks for the heads up. hmmm so thats the symbol? pretty cool.


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8/10 I like sonic

2 out of the 3 most looking forward to is awesome

