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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy sucks

i agree that wow and diablo are good rpg's, but there is no reason to say that another franchise sucks just because u dont like it

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ooo this can only turn out well.

I respect you dear sir, you've got some guts.
Or as the dolls in this movie whould say:
Team America: I love your balls

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

+10 you have proven yourself neo I'm proud of you.

Blizzard is no doubt one of best companies out there. And so is Square Enix.


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Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

It is about preference... But, I do think that FF has declined in quality over time. It peaked in quality at VII. Since then square has been milking the IP with very little innovation compared to other things on the market.

Blizzard does make the best rpgs for several reasons. They always take them to the next level and always include multiplayer elements.

Blizzard games? LOL. This is just asking for PC gaming insults....

Anyway, you just need to look at the sale figures of Square's series compared to the rest of the developers to see that Square are leagues above the rest. Final Fantasy has set the standard in both quality and sales that other developers envy and wish they had.

I can understand the jealousy regarding the FF series though, since through the Playstation brand has seen stardom worldwide that has never been matched and irritates Nintendo fans because on their consoles the series didn't flourish worldwide.

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@Soriku: FFVIII sucks major ass. Squall=Ultra Fail.

Disney will make KH3 with Nintendo.Yes,KH3 will be a Disney/Nintendo crossover.

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