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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Final Fantasy sucks

Lightning08 said:
konnichiwa said:
Sigh, if Leo-j or someone else would say Mario sucks or even make a thread about it. Some of you would not hesitate to call that guy a idiot, report him and etc...

And now someone does this about a game you don't like you just say 'Great sweet post!' You guys are a bunch of Hypocrits

The reason FF is getting bashed is simply because of it's popularity. Simple as that. Practically all of the haters in here are Nintendo fans, including the OP, and are operating to their own agendas. Such is the way of the internet and one of the main reasons why the best developers ignore message boards. Because to message boards: Console war/platform>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gaming.


where have you actually been ? it's a long time since i see you posting again

edit : oh i see it now =P


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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Personally i don't like ff (cannot definitely say why, but i guess its mostly the combat that turns me away like with most jrpgs), but if i compare it to diablo its a real rpg while diablo is an action game with a few rpg elements for me.

Coming from the P&P Rpg side a game needs a lot more than just combat and levels for me to be a good rpg.

* a big world that pulls me into the game from begin
* lots of choices what to do, where to go
* huge epic quests as well as small sidequests that add flavor
* npcs that have their own opinnions, characters...
* not only one way to solve quests (its always nice if you can use intelligent solutions instead of just killing each enemy)
* freedom of actions, but your decissions matter (so if you kill someone you cannot expect that his family will like you)

Soriku said:


DIE!!!!!!!!!! FF8 is AMAZING! Second favorite FF.

May I refer you to:

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I enjoy FF games very much (although XII tossed salad). I couldn't ever get into Diablo II...

Actually i cant say beacuse i never played Diablo but right now i think final fantasy is the best rpg games.


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Shameless actually made a kickass point somewhere in the thread, which pertains to forum rule #4:

"Do not post only that Item A sucks, or that Item B is better than Item C. Give reasons why, post links to documented problems, of screenshots, or whatever you can. Similarly, do not reply to other posters with "you're wrong." Explain why you disagree, and perhaps point to the correct answer."

I'm locking this travesty. Final Fantasy rocks and your thread blows!!!