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Kingdom hearts sucks. Tales and final fantasy rock. That is a fact.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

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Lightning08 said:
The problems with Kingdom Hearts:

- Magic is a downgrade. The cure spell is awesome as always but aside from that your Keyblade beats magic against pretty much everyone.

- Difficulty. The game is for kids, young kids, who like extremely simple games pressing X.

- Combat system. This sucks. Button mashing is not what RPG's are supposed to be about, not even remotely close. You don't need to plan your attacks at all in KH, just mash X and heal now and then.

- AI. Your teammates are useless period.

- Summons. Again, Useless. Outside of the Tinkerbell summon in KH summons are non existant and a waste of time.

- Repetitive. Lack of diversty in the enemies you face means you can pretty much either reaction command enemies to death or press X until they are dead. You do not need to plan anything at all, mash the button and you are a unstoppable. LAME.

Seriously, this series is decent but many things need changing before it can compare with top tier RPG's out there.

I would personally let those things slide because like you said, Kingdom Hearts is aimed at younger players


What I liked about Kingdom Hearts was the size of the worlds, (especially Traverse Town, Halloween Town and Atlantica) and being able to explore and find things.

I felt that was really missing from Kingdom Hearts II, the levels were too linear. (Except for Twilight Town and Hollow Bastian) Halloween Town and Atlantica (especially) were stripped down. Although I did like the Christmas Town portion.

For KH3, I hope they make the worlds more expansive and have even more parts of the world that have nothing to do with Main Story and are just for Side Quests and exploration. (some of which involves flight to reach)

But mainly, it was just really fun to play in Disney Worlds that I watched growing up, mixed with some great Characters from Final Fantasy. I also thought the story was very well done. The story seemed childish or simple at face value, but the more you played it the more layers you found that added to the overall depth and maturity of the story.

Finally, to top it all off, Utada Hikaru's songs Simple and Clean and Santuary(Passion) (and all their variations) were great.


I'll only judge the ones i've played...

FFVII - Awful
FFIX - Good
FFX - Good (but that's just cause i


WoW does what it does well. Diablo does what it does well and FF (if done properly) does what it does well. While all three are RPG's they are all different types so it's a matter of taste. Though I will agree that Diablo and WoW own most of the new FF's. The older ones(SNES) would own both Diablo and WoW though. So there.

Boycotting the following:

1. Yoshi: He ate my car and spit out a toaster.

2. Igglybuff: Totally false advertisement. You can have as many as you like they don't buff nothing.

3. the Terms Hardcore/Softcore... We're talking Video Games. Not Porn.

4. The term Casual as relates to Gamers: We make them sound like outsider's that happen to play games.  If that were the case they'd own a PS3.

5. Donuts.... Beacause I drink Beer...... and the biggest fan of Donuts hates Beer.

6. Boycotts: Their so lame.



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Soriku said:
100+ post thread imminent.

But I disagree. FF IX and VIII FTW!


I gotto agree with you there Soriku. Those are my favourite final fantasy games!


Now, I gotto disagree with you Neos. WoW might be good, but honestly I hate it. Because everyone that I know that plays it, is always absorbed in it, even when theyre not playing all they can think about it the lvl 70 character they have that they have spent a 1000 hours plus with. And I honostly don't see the point in spending that much time on an experience that one day you're probably gonna get bored of. Then what do you take away from that experience? I find a single player offline experience is much more rewarding. Also you have to pay for WoW monthly so you end up spending a fair bit of money on it as well. Still, I'm not totally against MMORPGs, I think they can be played casually for a bit of fun. But not hours and hours each and everyday.

Diablo I hear is good. I guess it all comes down to preference.

Also just because you may not like something doesn't mean it sucks. It just means it does not appeal to you.

i disagree, but praise the ballsiness.

my top 5 right now. 1. uncharted 2 2. assassin's creed 2 3. god of war 3 4. final fantasy xiii 5. blue dragon: awakened shadow.

What kind of "balls" are involved in hating on a franchise, while praising another one ?

I'm sorry but all of the guys that mentioned that don't make any sense.

Immature comments like these are all over the internet and you really think they are "ballsy" ? Does not compute.

WoW is an insult to RPGs, enough said. You should see the nerds who play it *shivers*

Oh, but Pokemon is so much better, though. It's nearly sold the most

Stats87 said:

What I liked about Kingdom Hearts was the size of the worlds, (especially Traverse Town, Halloween Town and Atlantica) and being able to explore and find things.

I felt that was really missing from Kingdom Hearts II, the levels were too linear. (Except for Twilight Town and Hollow Bastian) Halloween Town and Atlantica (especially) were stripped down. Although I did like the Christmas Town portion.

For KH3, I hope they make the worlds more expansive and have even more parts of the world that have nothing to do with Main Story and are just for Side Quests and exploration. (some of which involves flight to reach)

But mainly, it was just really fun to play in Disney Worlds that I watched growing up, mixed with some great Characters from Final Fantasy. I also thought the story was very well done. The story seemed childish or simple at face value, but the more you played it the more layers you found that added to the overall depth and maturity of the story.

Finally, to top it all off, Utada Hikaru's songs Simple and Clean and Santuary(Passion) (and all their variations) were great.


For a game made for younger gamer, Kingdom Hearts(the series as a whole) has a suprisingly mature story