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Forums - Sony Discussion - David Hater 'critical' on MGS (will probably lead to spoilers)
Solid Snake voice actor David Hayter was surprisingly candid at Anime Expo's centerpiece guest-of-honor panel, where he admitted to being frustrated at times with Metal Gear Solid series director Hideo Kojima's over-the-top scriptwriting and direction. He specifically called out the suicide scene highlighted in Metal Gear Solid 4 trailers, saying that Snake, a man who's killed thousands, shouldn't flinch at pulling the trigger on himself. "I didn't agree with that at all, and I begged them to change it, but I think it's still in the final game," he said. "I didn't buy it at all. I think it's weak for Snake to be killing other people and then not be able to kill himself when it's time. If he knows it's time, then it's time."

Hayter also revealed that wasn't the first time he's had issues with MGS scripts
-- and one of the culprits should come as no surprise to longtime series fans. "It's a delicate thing to discuss love blooming on the battlefield with Otacon," he admitted, describing the original Metal Gear Solid's notorious unintentionally homoerotic cut-scene. Hayter also revealed that the actors "had a tough time" getting through the alternate ending of MGS, where Snake and Otacon are seen riding off into the sunset on a snowmobile. "It felt like it was written to be romantic," Hayter said. "It was just humiliating." He did mention that MGS3 and MGS4 had fewer script issues than the first two games, and he now has more power to veto particular lines. Still, he only has so much pull. "If I have a big speech about love on the battlefield, well, that's what I have to talk about," he said. "Some things are easier to say than others."

Hayter did offer unsolicited praise for Kojima, though, saying that the MGS boss has influenced his own day job as a Hollywood scriptwriter. "Kojima and I have different styles," he said, "but I've certainly learned things from him, especially about ambiguity and telling a story without giving all the answers."

Despite the fact that voicing Snake has surely opened more live-action acting roles for Hayter, he says he's reluctant to make that jump. "Over the course of the '90s, a few of my friends got to be fairly famous, and it got a little crazy," he said. "And I like to quote Michael J. Fox: 'I've been rich, and I've been famous, and rich is better.' I love acting, but I don't want to promote myself like that anymore." Hayter said he's content with his life as a voice actor and a scriptwriter.

Hayter also dismissed charges that Solid Snake simply apes Kurt Russell's Snake Plissken character from the film Escape from New York, claiming that he's simply using "the toughest voice I can muster. Besides, Kurt Russell's voice is more whispery." In fact, Hayter said he intentionally tried to stay away from any comparison to Russell when originally coming up with the voice. "Quite frankly, I didn't want [Konami] to get sued," he said -- and laughing, added, "I still don't know how they got around that!"

With Sony seemingly intent on making a Metal Gear Solid movie -- with Hayter petitioning to write the script -- one fan wondered who should play Snake on the silver screen. Hayter said that he's definitely out of the running himself, but that Hugh Jackman or Viggo Mortensen are the two best choices -- and frankly, I can't think of fans being disappointed if either suggestion comes to fruition.

Hayter was gracious and exceedingly patient with the fans, despite the fact that far too many seemingly waited in line simply to beg him to give shoutouts to their fansites. Hayter was smartly self-referential in some cases -- for example, he affected Snake's gruff growl and proclaimed that he wouldn't mention a site with "ninja" in its name because "I don't speak to ninjas!" To be honest, it was frustrating that questions weren't screened, especially since Hayter only had an hour to spend. Though I didn't mind the panel's egalitarian setup -- as press, I had to get in line like everyone else -- Hayter doesn't make many public appearances like this, and a few shameless self-promoters dragged down the electricity of the event and took up far too much valuable time.

Hayter intimated that he might be available for interviews over the course of the next couple of days, so we'll see if we can track him down for a one-on-one chat. Does Hayter truly have no place to hide(o) from 1UP? Stay tuned!

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He makes some valid points though it is no secret that MGS had influenced him in profound ways -professionally and personally which he has admitted in various interviews and his 20th anniversary video.

David Hayter is a supurb voice actor

old news


It is better to die on one's feet

then live on one's knees

Not even the most bad-ass and brave man in the world will kill himself without hesitating, shouldn't be different with snake, i loved that "suicide" scene.

The ending was awesome, but i think he should have died

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

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jk yea it would of been awesome if he died it would of made the ending alot more epic

Just because you're a badass killer who doesn't flinch at all or think twice about killing other people, doesn't mean you don't value your own life and don't want to take it away.

I disagree with the voice actor. How about he just does the voice acting in games and leaves the rest of the talking to other people. =P