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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 64% of ppl give up on Wii Fit

HappySqurriel said:
CrazzyMan said:
Negative Wii news. =))


 I know, more people play Wii Fit on a daily basis than have bought the best selling PS3 game in Japan ... Awful news




Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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HappySqurriel said:
CrazzyMan said:
Negative Wii news. =))


 I know, more people play Wii Fit on a daily basis than have bought the best selling PS3 game in Japan ... Awful news


More peopel own PS3's than play Wii-Fit on a daily basis , Cherry picking is fun !!.

"According to the thousand IT Media readers polled (for whatever that's worth)(...)"

So, this isn't a sampling from the Nintendo channel, it's people from an IT magazine. Thanks for wasting everybody's time, and proving absolutely zip.

Achievement is its own reward, pride only obscures.

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Million said:
HappySqurriel said:
CrazzyMan said:
Negative Wii news. =))


 I know, more people play Wii Fit on a daily basis than have bought the best selling PS3 game in Japan ... Awful news


More peopel own PS3's than play Wii-Fit on a daily basis , Cherry picking is fun !!.

I was putting CrazzyMan's "Negative Wii news" into perspective in terms he would understand ...

If it is awful that only 500,000+ people use Wii Fit daily in Japan, what does that say of (pretty much) every PS3 game which will never reach 500,000 sales in japan?


i never knew that...dam

the nes zapper use to hit the target most of the times with me....

i was dissappointed at first when i found out that it was TRICKING me lol

well a lot of sun was in the room where the console  was in so that probably was the reason why the target was being hit  most of the times

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what about the 1 million that is using it everyday??

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Million said:
HappySqurriel said:
CrazzyMan said:
Negative Wii news. =))


I know, more people play Wii Fit on a daily basis than have bought the best selling PS3 game in Japan ... Awful news


More peopel own PS3's than play Wii-Fit on a daily basis , Cherry picking is fun !!.

Yeah but that one is expected.


Million said:

jjseth said:
Hmmmmm... seems to prove my point of Wii Fit being a fad. ;)

Although it is a shame that more aren't faithfully using it, or maybe moving onto a gym to keep in good health.


If a 5 million seller game is your definition of "Fad" then i'd love to see your definition of success.


I'm sorry, I just can't pass this up.  Remember that incredibly stupid Macarana song?  That was most definately a "fad" and it was more popular than video games could ever hope to be.  Hell, people who used to be the biggest fans of that stupid song probably won't even admit they did the gay dance now.

Million said:
HappySqurriel said:
CrazzyMan said:
Negative Wii news. =))


 I know, more people play Wii Fit on a daily basis than have bought the best selling PS3 game in Japan ... Awful news


More peopel own PS3's than play Wii-Fit on a daily basis , Cherry picking is fun !!.

You're comparing ownership with everyday usage.

And... that argument won't last, since more people buy Wii Fit than a PS3 every week.

You guys can pick all the smalltime cherries you want, but I'm telling you, the whole orchard is delicious.

so did anyone already mention wiifit is a fad? lol
i told you guys weeks ago ;)

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