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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - A theory of why KH3 or FFVII remake will be on Wii

baph72 said:
All I can say dtewi is I think your doubts are going to be crushed. There are millions of game fans that have been waiting a long time for proper continuations of Kojima's Cyberpunk series, Suzuki's Shenmue, and Eternal Darkness. Plus, Itagaki and Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 5 will sell just as well as MGS 4.


uhm...MGS5 will suck balls, because kojima won't be working on it

ps3 is matter how you put it

like you stated...FANS are waiting for the games..and fans are a group of people..

who can only become less with each sequal...they don't pop out of the ground

so....KH3 will be for Wii...because there are too many people like you who take good games for granted

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also: the reason people liked the BBS trailers was because they thought it would be Sora Riku and Kairi...

now that everyone knows it's not...only the true fans want this game..

people would rather buy 358/2 days, because you get to play as roxas..dual keyblades, playable Org XIII

BBS misses all that..BBS is purely a side story..while 358/2 days is more main story..
the missing link between KH2 and 3...

BBS will be important in some manner...but not that great


edit: forgive my double post..v_v''


That was released for the 3D0, a console that go barely any notice.

No one would care for a sequel.

Shenmue had okay sales, the sequel did dreadful, another would probably do even worse.

Eternal Darkness was published by Nintendo.

You're relying on games that have no chance of helping the PS3.

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If anything, we can hope for FFVII to be ported onto the PSP or be put on PSN. That's where I'd put the most stock at for FFVII. I think FFVII could come to the PS3. I mean, if SE is putting XIII on the PS3, then they obviously can't be that worried about Japanese sales.

deathcape, don't be a fanboy.

BBS is FAR more important than 358/2 Days. It tells the origins of Kingdom Hearts.

Hell, the quote in my signature relates not only to Kingdom Hearts 3, but Birth By Sleep as well.

I want to get a PSP to play it, but I think borrowing it from someone is much better to do.

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@ dtewi: the quote you have is only for BBS and not for KH3 (yet, could be)

and as for the importance of BBS or 358/2 all see...I also stated they would both be needed, but BBS would appeal to fans of the game (like myself) while 358/2 days would relate to people who played it in you can see

Roxas looks too much like Ven....

and there has to be a connection, but I purely want 358/2 days..for the story ofcourse

but the main thing is co-op and org XII members as playables..
that makes me want it

baph72 said:

After the release of Final Fantasy XIII, God of War III, and Gran Turismo 5, Sony is going to regain its traditional place in the marketplace -- #1. And with Itagaki's Metal Gear Solid 5, Kojima's Policenauts II, Silicon Knight's Eternal Darkness II, and Yu Suzuki's Shenmue 3 all coming exclusively to the PS3 and ensuring millions more PS3 consoles being sold, there's not going to be a reason to put Kingdom Hearts III or a drastically inferior version of Final Fantasy VII compared to what it would be on PS3 on the Wii.


Im a PS3 fan and even I lol'd at that


Well, BBS shows the Final Part of the Trinity*.

358/2 Days furthers Roxas, he is not that important in the grand scheme of things.

He has been explained in KH2.

*If you are wondering what this is, it is a name I made up for the three parts that make up everyone. The Body, The Heart, and The Soul.

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Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

deathcape said:
baph72 said:
All I can say dtewi is I think your doubts are going to be crushed. There are millions of game fans that have been waiting a long time for proper continuations of Kojima's Cyberpunk series, Suzuki's Shenmue, and Eternal Darkness. Plus, Itagaki and Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 5 will sell just as well as MGS 4.


uhm...MGS5 will suck balls, because kojima won't be working on it

ps3 is matter how you put it

like you stated...FANS are waiting for the games..and fans are a group of people..

who can only become less with each sequal...they don't pop out of the ground

so....KH3 will be for Wii...because there are too many people like you who take good games for granted


thats a bit of an exxageration dont you think?



What the hell is Kingdom Hearts III's story going to be?

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you