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Forums - General Discussion - britian makes the best bands!!!!

too many wtf this thread has gone downhill big time.
music is personal that is what makes it so unique beethoven bach the clash queen all different styles but brilliant.
we all listen to music and take our own thing out of it imo.
example today i put on the last resort by the eagles live version had not listened to it in years blew me away. other folks may say that is shit so what it is what you like nobody can change that.
all in all great thread overall love music.





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Franz Ferdinand FTW! :p

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


I keep hearing "Greatest bands Ever", and then read a list of people I've never heard of.

Mebbe it's just the mass information age, but I imagine most of the bands some people are raving on won't be considered classics in the near future.

Mebbe it's because only the best got spread around in the earlier days that they are considered classics now. There's always been plenty of musicians, plenty of music, just not that exposure.

But, whatever the case may be, great that you're loving music! When mortals make music, the Gods pause and listen.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.


Cheebee said:
I approve of this thread.

Franz Ferdinand FTW! :p


 so do I hope it goes on forever love music.





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keep it going





They do have some awesome bands (and many that marked history). Personally, I'm much into Muse these days. I really love to listen to Queen too, even though it wasn't my generation's music.

i love xbox360 said:

no offence to other countries but us brits just have the best bands eva all the major big bands r british (coldplay, the police ,rolling stones, muse arctic monkeys to name a few)

just wanted to no if u people out there think the british rock 2

your forgetting the best band ever, The Clash


okr said:
What should I refute? Did we have a discussion before you posted your long expertise?

Black music to me is Soul, Blues, R&B, Jazz, Funk, Hip-Hop (NA) Afro-Brazilian, Reggae (SA, Jamaica) and many more.

I know that "whites, blacks, creoles all joined", but I will aways and ever label all these musical art forms overall as black music because all of them wouldn't have been developed without black people. That's all.

Sly Stone loved white drummers, but Sylvester wrote the songs and gave them his soul.

No, we hadn't. but it was pre-emptive to avoid a 20 post convo between us ;)

As by how you label music then, Rock would also be regarded highly as dependent on the black musical community too. Jimi Hendrix, Chuck Berry, Chubby Checkers to name a few. Without these, even bands like the Beatles might not have come about. Hell, Living Colour, need I say more? You can even take the bread and butter of modern european music - club/techno, and give thanks to the legendary black american musician Herbie Hancock for pushing electronic music in the early 80s in new directions. For reference, I point you to Rock It by Herbie Hancock. Music is one of those things that you can't seperate race. When you have bands like Korn, which are mostly black, and then rappers like Eminem, the racial lines get blurred. Of course, that is a good thing, and we could only hope there would be more racial blurring in the world.



Music is underground for a reason, cause most of it sucks. Though most of my music comes from UK and parts of Europe..

Dope Stars Inc., The Smiths, Morrissey, Muse.


Old Brawl code..ask for my new one..