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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Edge: Ninja Gaiden II walks all over DMC 4 and God of War

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Euphoria14 said:

Link to article -⟨=uk

Includes scans from the Edge magazine containing the review for NG2.

OMFG, read this guys and look at the BS remark by Edge.

"Edge acknowledges that NG II is a hardcore game and even go as far as to say that Team Ninja has a gift beyond the vast majority of developers in the genre. Edge also encourages hardcore gamers to fully support Microsoft, because without them, hardcore gaming could be a thing of the past."

Ninja Gaiden isn't bad, but to say it walks all over DMC and GOW is a bit extreme. IMO this artile reeks of bias.

"The fighting engine is quite without equal in the genre"

"It makes DMC4 feel like a wasted opportunity and God Of War an over-bloated spectacle"




Once again, sorry if already posted.


I'm sorry guys, but everything he said is 100 percent correct. GoW shouldn't even be in the running in this genre, and DMC4, while good, was way to shallow compared to say DMC3 or NG2.


Let's not kid ourselves. If NG2 had a perfect camera, it would be a AAA title.

I'm playing through it right now. The game is really far more badass than the reviews make it sound, and you guys know me to give legitimate reviews, not to mention that this is my favorite genre.


However, that said, I am in the "hardcore" section of this genre, so the title appeals to me.

Like I said, visitors to the genre should stick to the relatively easy and shallow DMC4.


NG2 looks better, plays better, and is far deeper and longer than DMC4, GoW2, and Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Those are about as close to facts as opinions get.

Now, does it have a worse camera? The only game with a better camera from that list is GoW2.

Is it cheap, hard as hell, and hardcore to the bone. Oh hell yeah.

This isn't something to get offended about, if you've ever actually played NG2, you wouldn't be so upset at what he says.

I think people are more offended by the fact that the reviewer had to go as far as to start licking M$'s butt cheeks. i prefer NG as well. That was the only reason i bought the original xbox but to suggest that the hardcore should worship M$ is just blasphemy! Do these people even know what defines a hardcore gamer?


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

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I wonder why Euphoria14 wasn't on the Ninja Gaiden tournaments. He'd win them with his eyes closed by mashing on the attack button.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

The only reason the second has been deemed easier IMO is because of the replenishing health and healing save points. In the first game if you barely made it out of your battle with little health the scarcity of potions and shops made surviving your next battle much harder. This was very evident in the beginning of the game where you fought several boss fights close to one another and is what turned off a lot of people from the game.

The actual enemy encounters in the second game are much harder then the first. I've played every iteration of the game NG/Black/Sigma/NG2.  You're fighting usually double the amount of enemies at a time and they are much deadlier and cheaper.

The only thing they added in Sigma over Black was a easier difficulty (which you may have played on) and a few extra save points. They also added the ability to jump and shoot arrows which helps with some of the gun wielding enemies later in the game especially the Tairon grenadiers and RPG enemies.

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High Def Movie Collection

I much prefer Ninja Gaiden's combat over both the DMC series and GOW series. There were only 2 problems I had with the game. The terrible camera, which I hear still isn't all that great in Ninja Gaiden 2. And the second problem was that there was occasionally a lot of gameplay between savepoints. But I hear that this HAS been rectified in Ninja Gaiden 2. I mean, seriously, I didn't mind dying a million times in Ninja Gaiden 1 when I was little and had nothing to do, but I have a life now. I don't appreciate having to replay an hours worth of gameplay because I wasn't paying attention to my life for 1 second, and some Ninja offscreen just threw an exploding shuriken at me.

But that comment about how we should thank Microsoft for saving hardcore gaming is bullshit. I don't consider Ninja Gaiden a hardcore game. It's just a hard game. I consider Operation Flashpoint or Falcon 4.0 hardcore games.

NJ5 said:
Euphoria14 said:
Desroko said:
Don't argue with him, NJ, he's way too hardcore for us.

This is the point where we say, "Video, please," and wait for the inevitable excuses.


You guys also don't realize how I never said I hated Ninja Gaiden. I still own each one other than NG2.

I notice it is fine here to dig on God of War and DMC, but I get flak for making comments on Ninja Gaiden.

Nah... If someone bashed God of War for lack puzzles or DMC for lack of flash I'm pretty sure they'd be called on. The same way anyone gets called on for bashing Ninja Gaiden for button mashing (that's you).


That is why I believe I may have worded it wrong in terms of "button mashing" but in terms of hack and slash games, alot of them can be completed with some sort of continous hitting of 1-2 buttons.

As the case with games like DMC/GOW/Heavenly Sword. (HS is a bad example as it was extremely easy)

If I am wrong this weekend I am wrong. No problem.

I'm still going to play it.


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NJ5 said:

I wonder why Euphoria14 wasn't on the Ninja Gaiden tournaments. He'd win them with his eyes closed by mashing on the attack button.



Tournies are a bit different. I admit I would get my ass handed to me.


I'll see how much crow I will have to eat I guess in terms of my bad mashing comment. I am putting in Sigma and i'm gonna see how far I get.


iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Euphoria14 said:
NJ5 said:

Nah... If someone bashed God of War for lack puzzles or DMC for lack of flash I'm pretty sure they'd be called on. The same way anyone gets called on for bashing Ninja Gaiden for button mashing (that's you).


That is why I believe I may have worded it wrong in terms of "button mashing" but in terms of hack and slash games, alot of them can be completed with some sort of continous hitting of 1-2 buttons.

As the case with games like DMC/GOW/Heavenly Sword. (HS is a bad example as it was extremely easy)

If I am wrong this weekend I am wrong. No problem.

I'm still going to play it.


Backtracking already?

I'm done here.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

jasonnc80 said:
The only reason the second has been deemed easier IMO is because of the replenishing health and healing save points. In the first game if you barely made it out of your battle with little health the scarcity of potions and shops made surviving your next battle much harder. This was very evident in the beginning of the game where you fought several boss fights close to one another and is what turned off a lot of people from the game.

The actual enemy encounters in the second game are much harder then the first. I've played every iteration of the game NG/Black/Sigma/NG2.

The only thing they added in Sigma over Black was a easier difficulty (which you may have played on) and a few extra save points. They also added the ability to jump and shoot arrows which helps with some of the gun wielding enemies later in the game especially the Tairon grenadiers and RPG enemies.



I actually thought that Genshin and Zedonius, to name two, were terribly easy compared to, say, Doku. The only bosses that ave me real trouble were the New York boss and the giant skeleton, mostly because they spam unlockable grabs over and over.

NJ5 said:
Euphoria14 said:
NJ5 said:

Nah... If someone bashed God of War for lack puzzles or DMC for lack of flash I'm pretty sure they'd be called on. The same way anyone gets called on for bashing Ninja Gaiden for button mashing (that's you).


That is why I believe I may have worded it wrong in terms of "button mashing" but in terms of hack and slash games, alot of them can be completed with some sort of continous hitting of 1-2 buttons.

As the case with games like DMC/GOW/Heavenly Sword. (HS is a bad example as it was extremely easy)

If I am wrong this weekend I am wrong. No problem.

I'm still going to play it.


Backtracking already?

I'm done here.



Read my following comment.


I could be wrong with the mashing comment yes. As far anything else I mentioned, I stick by it.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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FYI, the Ninja Gaiden tournaments I mentioned were single-player. There's no multiplayer mode on this game (although I'm trying to hack it, NGB that is).

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957