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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How bad is MGS4 for the image of our hobby?

I guess it depends upon the image you want video games to have. I think MGS4 is a godsend for video games, and unlike most people I have much more of a problem with the Wii and their most popular games. I want games to be seen as a true artistic medium that can at least be taken seriously to some degree, and he is helping to do this.

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     I would say more like Dio's wimpier, uglier sister.



"Yeah I heard it before with regards to that pic and in others I have been likened to Ronnie James Dio"

HappySqurriel said:
DTG said:


I prefer the bolded. There is a reason we go to school and study through textbooks. The average human, ergo 95% of the population is simply not intelligent enough to find any profoundities in sub-textual messages. He may think, he may ponder, but there is a reason why most of us never end up winning the Noble prize or become world renowed in any particular field; We are simply not smart or "brilliant enough" our brains being mere grains next to the minds of those who have truly impacted and revolutionized this world with their inventive ideas.

Which is why I prefer to read works from people such as Kant or Neitzche and basing my opinions upon interpretations of people with far greater grasp on the subject matter. While Kojima is no Kant I do appreciate what he is doing and do consider his creative and intellectual merits to be above the average Joe's. In being so I endorse his storytelling method of spelling his idea's out in words simply because it may inspire some other truly genius people to do so themselves rather then assume the dumb sheep of a public will be able to see the brilliant profoundities of their sub-textual messages.

If the thematics of any piece of art is to inspire thought and change on a global scale it must be presented in a manner understandable to every, spelled out and it may possibly "stick" and cause social shift. Immanual Kant's Critique of Pure Reason is an example of such dogmatic yet profound literary piece that still is far too complex for the average person to even care to understand.


I'm sorry, I see the situation in the complete opposite way ...

Most people in the world do not care enough about most serious topics to actually be entertained enough by a discussion about them to get anything out of the discussion; in contrast a story that is well executed and provides an emotional reaction surrounding the story will have a much more noticeable impact.

Consider Gattaca as an example of a movie which deals with very complex topics which have very serious implications on the world we live in. The story covers Eugenics, destiny (or genetic pre-destination if you'd rather), and discrimination all without ever having a philosophical discussion about any of these topics; most people (regardless of education or intelligence) will come out after seeing Gattaca with some understanding of these topics.


Bravo to this conversation! This is far more interesting and relevant than the "stupid MGS fanboys think MGS is art" witch hunt.

As for actually addressing the conversation. I tend to agree with Happy. It's the proverbial "showing is better than telling" mechanic. However, there's a reason why we have both movies like Gattaca and philosophical books like "Critique of Pure Reason." Both ways of attacking certain themes and ideas work. That's why Kojima's style works for so large an audience.

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

baph72 said:

     Yeah, right.  It comparison to games like Halo 3, Gears of War 4, and all of the other xbox live games that are the actual games ruining this hobby, Metal Gear Solid 4 is the gaming equivalent of Led Zeppelin 4 or Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.


 "heavy handed cliche upon heavy handed cliche, retarded storylines that dont make any sense, overacting of the worst kind"

     That line reveals your own idiocy more than anything else because in twenty years time the MGS saga will be discussed in college literature and cultural courses alongside Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, Alan Moore's The Watchmen, and Stephen King's The Dark Tower series.  What have you done that will be taught in the same classes?


"Subtlety is a word not in Kojima`s dictionary it seems as MGS4 once again bombards us with heavy handed cliche upon heavy handed cliche, retarded storylines that dont make any sense, overacting of the worst kind etcetera."


This is (essentially) what I was talking about with my first post ...

Being discussed in "College Courses" doesn't mean that there was anything particularly fantastic about an Artistic work, many colleges offer courses that discuss the popular (and bad) movies as a way of providing material which is interesting to their students so that they can learn how to analyze a story. Beyond that, I think it is far more likely that the materials you listed will be (entirely) forgotten in 20 years and colleges will favour classics, great peices of literature, or popular works of the day ...

XGamer0611 said:
MGS 4 is a double edge sword. It is not a "game" in terms of the word. With MGS4 Kojima created an interactive movie.

Is it good for the hobby? No! While I love the MGS series if any other game gets released and is as cutscene heavy as MGS4 I will not play it. The only reason most people continue to play MGS4 is cause all lose ends in the story are tied up. If you played the first 3 MGS or 2 MG NES games you feel compelled to see how the story is going to end.

It would be difficult to sit through a cutscene heavy game that no one is familiar with. You would not be as interested to see the entire story.

So, no. No way games like MGS4 are great for the hobby of gaming.

What? so youre saying that MSG4 is bad for our hobby because of its style?

What does bad for our hobby even mean? does it mean that it makes us look like idiots for playing it to the outside world....or does it not attract new gamers? Nether of those thing are true about MGS4 so someone please elaborate...


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akuma587 said:
What does it mean for the gaming industry when people won't accept that there is a place for people like Hideo Kojima in the gaming industry? I think that is a bigger problem...


+1 for you my friend. The videogame medium, like all other media, is hugely diverse. Just look at GTAIV, MGS4, Mario Galaxy, The Sims, Nintendogs, Tetris, etc. There's so much to choose from, and they all send the gaming industry in various directions. The original topic of this thread is sad. How many times do you hear movie buffs saying stuff like Harold and Kumar or Die Hard are bad for movies? How often do you hear people in book clubs say romance novels or Stephen King are bad for books?

This topic just goes to show the immaturity and lack of vision of some gamers.

Edit: And I'm with Ant. What the F does "bad" mean? That's as vague as can be.

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

No, they won't. Just like the works of H. P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe, the works that I cited will become canonical and be discussed for decades to come. And they all represent the pinnacles of their respective genres. Stephen King's The Dark Tower Saga is the pinnacle of adult fantasy narratives, Moore's Watchmen and Miller's Dark Knight elevate comics and super heroes from mere childhood characters into the modern-day equivalent of epic heroes and point out inherent social and political problems in our society, and Kojima's MGS does much the same thing in video game form. As a whole, it is the perfect post-modern, nuclear terror, Japanese futuristic dystopia novel of its age.


     Also, you are wrong about what colleges discuss.  Why do you think that if you take a class in American lit, for example, that your textbook is called Classics of American Literature instead of Some Stories...Some Good...Others Bad....That Will Assist You With Learning How to Analyze a Story?

"This is (essentially) what I was talking about with my first post ...

Being discussed in "College Courses" doesn't mean that there was anything particularly fantastic about an Artistic work, many colleges offer courses that discuss the popular (and bad) movies as a way of providing material which is interesting to their students so that they can learn how to analyze a story. Beyond that, I think it is far more likely that the materials you listed will be (entirely) forgotten in 20 years and colleges will favour classics, great peices of literature, or popular works of the day ..."

baph72 said:

     I would say more like Dio's wimpier, uglier sister.



"Yeah I heard it before with regards to that pic and in others I have been likened to Ronnie James Dio"


 Hehehehe good one

HappySqurriel said:


I'm sorry, I see the situation in the complete opposite way ...

Most people in the world do not care enough about most serious topics to actually be entertained enough by a discussion about them to get anything out of the discussion; in contrast a story that is well executed and provides an emotional reaction surrounding the story will have a much more noticeable impact.

Consider Gattaca as an example of a movie which deals with very complex topics which have very serious implications on the world we live in. The story covers Eugenics, destiny (or genetic pre-destination if you'd rather), and discrimination all without ever having a philosophical discussion about any of these topics; most people (regardless of education or intelligence) will come out after seeing Gattaca with some understanding of these topics.


Finally an example I love, so far I agree with you since the way of taking care this subjects in the movie plays a silent role next to the characters, in fact I think that the most shocking moments of the movie are shared by Silence or a few words and subtle expressions of emotion... that lead you inherently to share the subject of the movie (Since you are in charge of understand and give and interpretation to the characters actions and thoughts)...

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Another hate thread. Just accept that millions enjoy his games and let it go.