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HappySqurriel said:


I'm sorry, I see the situation in the complete opposite way ...

Most people in the world do not care enough about most serious topics to actually be entertained enough by a discussion about them to get anything out of the discussion; in contrast a story that is well executed and provides an emotional reaction surrounding the story will have a much more noticeable impact.

Consider Gattaca as an example of a movie which deals with very complex topics which have very serious implications on the world we live in. The story covers Eugenics, destiny (or genetic pre-destination if you'd rather), and discrimination all without ever having a philosophical discussion about any of these topics; most people (regardless of education or intelligence) will come out after seeing Gattaca with some understanding of these topics.


Finally an example I love, so far I agree with you since the way of taking care this subjects in the movie plays a silent role next to the characters, in fact I think that the most shocking moments of the movie are shared by Silence or a few words and subtle expressions of emotion... that lead you inherently to share the subject of the movie (Since you are in charge of understand and give and interpretation to the characters actions and thoughts)...

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."