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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Well A New Console Ever Show Up?

There've been, like, 249 threads on this already, right?

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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If Apple decides to make a gaming console,Microsoft might get pushed out of the picture.Sony and Nintendo are too strong of companies to get tossed aside.

I think EA could be incredibly successful as a hardware developer. Even though I pretty much hate them. The reason they could likely do well is the fact that they have the money to invest and they have the games library that they could make exclusive to their console. By making all EA games exclusive they would become the biggest exclusive publisher and at the same time take away all the game sales from the other systems.


bardicverse said:
Theres been speculation about Apple eyeing the game market. Techically, its been doable, as the GC had a Power PC (apple product). I think they'll flop hard for the first 2 gens, and it'd be hard to get exclusives, as Apple isnt known for gaming.

If EA expands outwards, they may create a hardware division too.


 Power PC is an IBM product and to this day PowerPC is fully in use by all three console manufacturers.

Wii has a single core weakass old PPC, 360 has a state of the art tricore PPC and the heart of CELL in PS3 is the same core as the one used in 360(single core here though aided by the SPE`s).


Oh BTW Apple tried before and failed horribly(think worse then 3DO):


If you count Leapfrog products as game systems then yes...

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Fishie said:
bardicverse said:
Theres been speculation about Apple eyeing the game market. Techically, its been doable, as the GC had a Power PC (apple product). I think they'll flop hard for the first 2 gens, and it'd be hard to get exclusives, as Apple isnt known for gaming.

If EA expands outwards, they may create a hardware division too.


 Power PC is an IBM product and to this day PowerPC is fully in use by all three console manufacturers.

Wii has a single core weakass old PPC, 360 has a state of the art tricore PPC and the heart of CELL in PS3 is the same core as the one used in 360(single core here though aided by the SPE`s).


Oh BTW Apple tried before and failed horribly(think worse then 3DO):


So what if Apple tried almost 20 years ago,It's not pertinent to today's consoles.Apple is a much stronger brand today and have already shown an intrest in video games.


I see Apple teaming up with Epic Games and Square Enix to form their own console. Apple would provide the hardware, Epic the western style games, SE the Japanese style games. Have a FF and UT at launch and watch the money roll in. They could have two controllers, one is Wiimote like that combines to make a normal controller (kind of like what Sony is supposedly thinking of trying with the ps3) and the other is a keyboard and mouse since that works so much better than a controller for shooters.  It could run on an Apple like operating system for third parties to easily port to Mac for a little extra money as well.

Sky Render said:

It's funny how people say that the market "only has room for 3" when the market has repeatedly shouldered the burden of far more than 3 consoles before, with each one doing relatively well. Let's not forget, before the NES came along, there were dozens of home PCs which were essentially intended for gaming, and they coexisted more or less without a market leader (IBM had a bit of a lead, but it wasn't very significant by 1985). And for all their failings, even the 3DO sold 2 million units in an unfriendly market, and the Sega CD sold 6 million.

For the most part, the market has never shouldered more than three consoles that have done exceptionally well (such as the GameCube and XBOX still managing over 20 million units each even though neither was dominant). But this has far more to do with the lower-selling consoles all ending up being either too similar to existing systems or ending up being total nightmares to use (and quite frequently, both). A well-designed, truly innovative system with clever marketing and an actually useful gimmick to draw in previously uninterested customers is all one needs to enter the market.


That was a different time. Games cost a LOT more to make now, the more you splinter the market the more multiplat becomes a neccesity.

It seems to be very unlikely when you consider all the companies that have failed with their gaming machines... if anybody would do it, it would be likely to be Apple.


maybe apple... by the time that they do....steve jobs might just have one last magic demonstration performance in him