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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - More Hype from Nintendo Power

waron said:
routsounmanman said:
I'd say Zelda but it's too early for that to be revealed; Kingdom Hearts 3 makes sense as Square Enix hasn't shown the Wii any love while even the XBox360 gets a (timed?) exclusive.


Final Fantasy: My Life As A King, Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon, Soul Eater: Monotone Princess, Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors say Hi!


More than love that sounds like they did it out of spite...

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Clearly it's KH 3 with nintendo characters instead of disney ones. (Zelda) End daydream.

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


Please let it be Kingdom Hearts III.

Do none of you (save Man) remember what happened the last time they hyped a a game big time? Look through the list of games without a confirmed release date in the US and it will be one of those I promise you. They are not going to break any new info.

Still, that sword does look awful similar to the Master Sword...

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

yushire said:
Swords didnt connect with Kingdom Hearts, Legend Of Zelda for the Wii maybe?



I really doubt it.  That sword silouette is not in the shape of the master sword.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

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"fit for a King"....

It's Wii Fit, King Edition. :P

It's obviously Kingdom Hearts for the DS.

I dont know it could be KH3 because who says "fit for a king" or "Its got a lot of heart" inless they are hinting. Last time it was a huge dissopointement though. What does Mother 3 have anything to do with it!??!?

That sword looks more like Marth's sword. The master sword isn't as rounded. Fire Emblem 1 REMAKE.

^ That's not the Falchion.

The KHIII reference seems really obvious... but I refuse to set myself up for heartbreak.