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Forums - Sales Discussion - Three Million for Metal Gear Solid 4

Kojima's latest is selling like hot Metal Gear!

June 26, 2008 - With Metal Gear Solid 4 confirmed at half a million sales in Japan and one million in Europe, the big question is, just how many copies has the game sold overall. While we don't have sales figures just yet, we do know the game's shipped number: three million., in its coverage from a Sony investor meeting in Tokyo today, reported that the game has topped this milestone in worldwide shipped units. Speaking at the meeting, Sony Computer Entertainment president Kaz Hirai also noted that the game helped shift hardware.

Games were put a bit on the back burner for this particular briefing though, as Hirai announced a number of non-game initiatives for the PS3 and PSP, including new video and news services.

it says confirmed sales not shipped figures for all you air heads read

now why do you think vg chartz has the total number of sales at 1.90  million ??? and only about 650k for others including europe

yea i bet you guys also remember that terrible article vgchartz made about mgs4 dropping to sell 25k in japan and they say it is at 65k now after famitsu realesed thier sales results and guess wat that article has dissapeared since thats pathetic!!!

  Japan America Others Total
Total Sales 0.55m 0.65m 0.70m 1.90m

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2008 year end sales (made in January 2008):

44.2 M 27.1 M 20.8 M

This pains me so much!



johnyboynogo said:

now why do you think vg chartz has the total number of sales at 1.90 million ??? and only about 650k for others including europe


shipped vs sold will always be different, unless every copy shipped gets sold.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

It never fails every time any company releases their shipped figures there is a good 10+ threads like this in the following couple of days.

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You made an account just to post this?

Well I guess it's better that some newbie posted an uninformed thread like this than leo-j or someone. :P

at half a million sales in Japan and one million in Europe sales!! read first!!

1 million isn't that much when you consider that stores have stocked up on this game. My Walmart has two spaces for this game stacked all the way to the back and my Best Buy still has a display full of them (and for Best Buy it is their second shipment because I remember going there and the display was almost cleaned out along with the games on the shelf itself).

Ya I dont think our numbers are totally correct. Wal-Mart i work at is still completely sold out of PS3s.

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
johnyboynogo said:

at half a million sales in Japan and one million in Europe sales!! read first!!

"Sales" = "sales to retailers" - there isn't any magic involved, this is the ONLY number the company actually has (and the ONLY one they really care about - as it represents the money they make. They are paid by retailers/distributors, NOT consumers).

Considering its sold almost 2m worldwide, 1m on the shelves worldwide (for such a big game) is nothing.


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