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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - An Idea For Nintendo: Alleviating The Anti Core Gamer Misconception

Now of course most of us know this isn't true

nice lets start by making a (mainly false) statement and building up your argumentation from it.
People can iterate the "Wii is for core gamers" mantra as long as they want. Unless a couple of great classic (non-japanese, non-Nintendo) game series with real gameplay make it to the Wii and have big sales success, it will sound hollow. Yes there is Resident Evil-UC, and Resident Evil-UC and ...

It just remains a fact that classic computer games are a much better fit to the PS360. Consoles that have 10 times the power of the Wii and the classic controls that are a good fit for these games. And because of this they mostly stay there. There may be a Wii/PS2 version here and there but its mostly hot air.

Unsurprisingly the best-selling third-party titles are social titles like Guitar Hero, or Party games like Raving Rabbids, Game party whatever.

And thats not a bad thing, consoles were always great for social gaming and Nintendo took the crown this gen in this area. But the really big not psychedelic coloured games like Call of Duty 4, GTA4, Gran Turismo ... will have their success on the other consoles.

Buy both of them.

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I love it how Kyros starts on a rant about "core games" and ends up using COD4, GTA4 and Gran Turismo as examples, some of the most casual titles on PS3/360.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Zucas said:
Really I'm very disappointed with the responses. Is this really how all Nintendo fans/fanboys think nowadays. Nintendo scores big with one idea and then they should simply relax afterwards. This is pathetic.

Yall obviously don't agree with me but I'll tell ya the hard cold truth. The company that works the hardest and continues to work hard will reap the benefits. This is expanding on a good idea. Getting comfortable is what causes NES to GC.

Maybe yall think it's ok to have stereotypes and stigmas that are bad for something, but in reality it isn't. Any negativity towards brand appeal will hurt it down the line. Maybe sooner or later yall will realize that and understand why both I and even Nintendo think its good to dispel them.

 Why is not trying your hardest to get a small segment of the population stagnating? Nintendo does what it does to dispel them because it is marketing hype, and mostly a stigma that doesn't exist outside of the internet. The core gamer is buying the system despite what fanboys will tell you. The fact that No More Heroes did so amazingly well is really strong evidence of that. (Before some 360/PS3 fanboy comes in here and argues the point consider the fact that the developers threw a party of the sales in America, and it has outsold every other Suda game released.)

 Your ideas are simply unwarranted right now. There is no mass exodus or abandonment by that segment of the player base. Nintendo is following the best course of action right now. Throw out some marketing hype and spin while backing it up with games. As Kyros demonstrates, nothing Nintendo does will ever get that stigma away from the internet, and it should be obvious to anyone watching at this point. The 3rd party developers are the ones that need to do the work right now, and it is happening.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

NJ5 said:
Exblackman said:
You guys have given examples of games they should bundle how about bundling Monster Hunter 3. If the games as good as I think going to be .It makes sense since helps bring more sells to a high profile which hopefully do two things: Get more people (non japaneese) into the franchise and increases th chance for asequel on a nintendo console.


That's something I can definitely disagree with. Not to sound insulting, but bundling new exclusive 3rd party games is for losing companies like Sony. Nintendo doesn't need to lose that much money in order to do well.



 I did not suggest they should sell for a reduced rate I pretty sure any core or hardcore gamers will  would buy that bundle 300 dollars this is to entice more core and hardcore gamers so they have more people to sell thier games to. Not to mention those types of gamers buy the most games per year.


I love fighting games !!! Come on challenge me !

COD4, GTA4 and Gran Turismo as examples, some of the most casual titles on PS3/360.

LOL the definition of casual gets weirder every minute. If you mean played by many people with casual then you are correct. FPS like Call of duty are definitely not casual. That's as "core" as it gets.

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Bundling COD5 or Fatal Frame or even Sonic would really hurt Wii sales.

It would overshoot a lot of customers. They don't want customers to feel that COD5 is what Wii is all about, because most people already feel like they can't play those games. Overshooting customers doesn't just mean too high a price.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" DOES apply here. It wasn't Nintendo resting on their laurels that caused the NES to GC transition. Nintendo altered their strategy for SNES, opting to fight tooth and nail with Sega over existing customers instead of making the non-customer king and removing barriers for them. Sony also altered their strategy between PS1 and PSP/PS3.

If you were paying attention, you would see that Nintendo is not just rehashing any one expanded market title until it becomes a "red ocean" market. They are continually shaking things up, with Brain Age, then Nintendogs, then Wii Sports, then Wii Fit, etc. As long as they keep doing that, they're safe.

And you would also see that when Nintendo talks about the core audience, they mention games like Mario Baseball. They are talking about courting the entire old existing audience, not just one niche of it that likes gritty, M-rated games.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

Kyros said:
COD4, GTA4 and Gran Turismo as examples, some of the most casual titles on PS3/360.

LOL the definition of casual gets weirder every minute. If you mean played by many people with casual then you are correct. FPS like Call of duty are definitely not casual. That's as "core" as it gets.

The difference between core and casual as defined by a player, is that of how much you play.  Someone that plays it as a hobby is a core gamer.  Someone that plays it every now and then or on the weekends is a casual gamer.

Casual and core games are defined by ease to play.  Shooters, racers, simulation, party, and sports games all have very easy control schemes with simplistic gameplay ideas.  Shoot enemy, go around course, be a person, mini games, and play a sport.  All are very easy in concept and control and are thus casual games.  Hardcore gamers have very unsimplistic concept ideas and difficult gameplay ideals.  RPG, RTS, adventure titles, ect.  

Though I wouldn't expect you to know that.  People are still used to old stereotypes.  As hard as it is for people to understand, shooters is a casual genre, and one of the most casual out there.  It's why they sell so well.  There easy to pickup and play games.



Kyros said:
Now of course most of us know this isn't true

nice lets start by making a (mainly false) statement and building up your argumentation from it.
People can iterate the "Wii is for core gamers" mantra as long as they want. Unless a couple of great classic (non-japanese, non-Nintendo) game series with real gameplay make it to the Wii and have big sales success, it will sound hollow. Yes there is Resident Evil-UC, and Resident Evil-UC and ...

It just remains a fact that classic computer games are a much better fit to the PS360. Consoles that have 10 times the power of the Wii and the classic controls that are a good fit for these games. And because of this they mostly stay there. There may be a Wii/PS2 version here and there but its mostly hot air.

Unsurprisingly the best-selling third-party titles are social titles like Guitar Hero, or Party games like Raving Rabbids, Game party whatever.

And thats not a bad thing, consoles were always great for social gaming and Nintendo took the crown this gen in this area. But the really big not psychedelic coloured games like Call of Duty 4, GTA4, Gran Turismo ... will have their success on the other consoles.

Buy both of them.

Wii is not a core console nor a casual console. It is both. That is the statement I made throughout the entire article I wrote. If you knew how to read or interpret(whichever it is with such a hater such as yourself) then you'd have known this arleady.

Can those games such as COD4, GTA IV, GT, ect have success on the Wii?  Of course they can.  It's just they aren't being done.  And if they are being done they are marketed like games that are expected to sell badly.  But as every day goes buy that the core base on the Wii gets less and less interested due to the lack of support for whatever they may want.  Thus in the future it may not be possible.  At launch it definetly was but who knows this holiday season.  This is why my idea is so necessary, of course evne the Nintendo fanboys who would simply do anything Nintendo wanted, don't want change further.  Nintendo fanboys can be so hypocritical at times.


flagship said:

Why exactly would Nintendo want to change their strategy?

Don't fix it if it ain't broke and Nintendo unlike Sony and MS is well in the Black this generation


So, this was the first reply? Oh my God!


scottie said:
Why would they want to do this?

Their console is the fastest selling console, ever.

Recently alot of core games have been announced for the Wii, alot more will be announced at e3, including some by Nintendo.

I think Wii Sports shold stay bundled


Another sh**tty comment.


Galaki said:

If it ain't broken, don't fix it.


I want to kill myself! To the previous three quotes:

- Let me explain it with "pears an apples", imagine you have a Restaurant but you only serve cheese burguers, soda, coffee and soup. Now, you are the only restaurant in town, so your businness is going very well and you are earning a lot of money. The people in town are bored with your menu and a new restaurant is now open. It is t¡your competitor, and the offer Hot Dogs, Pizza, Tacos (), Fancy alcoholic beverages, etc. As i said before, you are the only two restaurants in town, you are still earning a bunch of money but you want more. What would you do?

a) Still offer your simple menu with good earnings. Y´know "If it is not broken, do not fix it"

b) Offer your menu but add those things the other restaurant sells and earn much more MONEY!!!!!!!!!


Maybe those three guys would choose the first option. Sad...


Zucas said:

Really I'm very disappointed with the responses.  Is this really how all Nintendo fans/fanboys think nowadays.  Nintendo scores big with one idea and then they should simply relax afterwards.  This is pathetic.

Yall obviously don't agree with me but I'll tell ya the hard cold truth.  The company that works the hardest and continues to work hard will reap the benefits.  This is expanding on a good idea.  Getting comfortable is what causes NES to GC. 

Maybe yall think it's ok to have stereotypes and stigmas that are bad for something, but in reality it isn't.  Any negativity towards brand appeal will hurt it down the line.  Maybe sooner or later yall will realize that and understand why both I and even Nintendo think its good to dispel them.


I´m agree with you and i understand you, it´s a shame if they don´t see you brilliant idea.

Nintendo has been hit with the idea that it is for childs and now that it is for casual players (the group of people laso known as you grandma, your grandpa, your little 3 year old sister (i started to play SNES at 3 xD), etc). The company had that idea from the very beggining with the Wii (and also with the DS **Touch generations**) they knew they would win a lot of money and they have, they know are moving to the next step -crush the competition by helping 3d parties and winning more and more players (the core ones). And obviously winning so much more (xD) money.

That how this world works kids!


@Kyros Lmao 10x more powerful?