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flagship said:

Why exactly would Nintendo want to change their strategy?

Don't fix it if it ain't broke and Nintendo unlike Sony and MS is well in the Black this generation


So, this was the first reply? Oh my God!


scottie said:
Why would they want to do this?

Their console is the fastest selling console, ever.

Recently alot of core games have been announced for the Wii, alot more will be announced at e3, including some by Nintendo.

I think Wii Sports shold stay bundled


Another sh**tty comment.


Galaki said:

If it ain't broken, don't fix it.


I want to kill myself! To the previous three quotes:

- Let me explain it with "pears an apples", imagine you have a Restaurant but you only serve cheese burguers, soda, coffee and soup. Now, you are the only restaurant in town, so your businness is going very well and you are earning a lot of money. The people in town are bored with your menu and a new restaurant is now open. It is t¡your competitor, and the offer Hot Dogs, Pizza, Tacos (), Fancy alcoholic beverages, etc. As i said before, you are the only two restaurants in town, you are still earning a bunch of money but you want more. What would you do?

a) Still offer your simple menu with good earnings. Y´know "If it is not broken, do not fix it"

b) Offer your menu but add those things the other restaurant sells and earn much more MONEY!!!!!!!!!


Maybe those three guys would choose the first option. Sad...


Zucas said:

Really I'm very disappointed with the responses.  Is this really how all Nintendo fans/fanboys think nowadays.  Nintendo scores big with one idea and then they should simply relax afterwards.  This is pathetic.

Yall obviously don't agree with me but I'll tell ya the hard cold truth.  The company that works the hardest and continues to work hard will reap the benefits.  This is expanding on a good idea.  Getting comfortable is what causes NES to GC. 

Maybe yall think it's ok to have stereotypes and stigmas that are bad for something, but in reality it isn't.  Any negativity towards brand appeal will hurt it down the line.  Maybe sooner or later yall will realize that and understand why both I and even Nintendo think its good to dispel them.


I´m agree with you and i understand you, it´s a shame if they don´t see you brilliant idea.

Nintendo has been hit with the idea that it is for childs and now that it is for casual players (the group of people laso known as you grandma, your grandpa, your little 3 year old sister (i started to play SNES at 3 xD), etc). The company had that idea from the very beggining with the Wii (and also with the DS **Touch generations**) they knew they would win a lot of money and they have, they know are moving to the next step -crush the competition by helping 3d parties and winning more and more players (the core ones). And obviously winning so much more (xD) money.

That how this world works kids!