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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why is the 360 selling so poorly?

It came out a year later then the PS3, and by all means has a much better game line up right now.

Yet, it has only a six million lead and is losing quickly. I think it has quite a chance to be last place, to be honest. PS3 could end up destroying it saleswise in the long run.

Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

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This november will be the XBox 360's 3 year aniversary and it still hasn't it the $199 price point (remember over 75% of consoles last generation were sold for less that $200). Also, The software line-up and features (XBox Live) line-up with what the "Core" gamers want, but outside of this small group of gamers there is little that appeals to gamers.

$50 dropped off the mainline since launch. Non-existent presence in Japan. Weak presence in Europe. Myopic reaction to surging PS3 in NA. Those are the top reasons I can think of.

PSwii FTW, in all seriousness tho 360 doesnt have a broad enough appeal and thus is being outsold by PS3 and Wii

Dont forget, its only had one $50 price cut in almost 3 years!

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HappySqurriel said:

This november will be the XBox 360's 3 year aniversary and it still hasn't it the $199 price point (remember over 75% of consoles last generation were sold for less that $200). Also, The software line-up and features (XBox Live) line-up with what the "Core" gamers want, but outside of this small group of gamers there is little that appeals to gamers.


Are you sure I remember it was 65%... but it will be interesting to see the market with sub 200 console...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Microsoft have a bad name.
Appalling console reliability (RRoD)
Everyone is waiting for a PS3 price drop

"because gamers just see the 360 as a better value" - Gamer4Life

FJ-Warez said:
HappySqurriel said:

This november will be the XBox 360's 3 year aniversary and it still hasn't it the $199 price point (remember over 75% of consoles last generation were sold for less that $200). Also, The software line-up and features (XBox Live) line-up with what the "Core" gamers want, but outside of this small group of gamers there is little that appeals to gamers.


Are you sure I remember it was 65%... but it will be interesting to see the market with sub 200 console...

Well, the PS2 and XBox hit $200 at E3 2002 where the PS2 had sold (roughly) 25% of its total, the XBox had sold (roughly) 20% of its total, and both the Dreamcast and Gamecube were both always under $200. Personally, I thought it was 80% but I stuck with 75% because I didn't have the link for the charts anymore.


The 360 is doing just fine. Compared to the original Xbox, Microsoft will improve the install base in it's second generation and cement it's name as a true player in this industry. There's room in this expanding market for three success stories, so why all the doom and gloom?