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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA sales up! X360 > Ps3

colonelstubbs said:
Low PS3 sales due to lack of there haters


lol, what if I said I saw 3 80gb MGS4 bundles in walmart, and over 10 at Best Buy down the street, collecting dust.

Of course, I didn't see that, but at least you would know how Wii owners feel when Wii's are going for 400 dollars on Ebay but every sony fanboy just saw 4 at his local walmart.

You can say "yeah right" all you want, but you can't disprove an anecdotal lie, which is why anecdotal evidence is pointless and should never be believed.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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PS3 still gained 41k advantage over the 360 world wide. So at that rate in 2 1/2 years the PS3 will lead 360 world wide.


But by then everyone will own a 720. lol.

It's just that simple.

Is it possible there aren't many 80gb just like there weren't many 60gb before they dropped that model? Maybe they are depleting stock on purpose to get rid of it for the same reason as the 60gb.

It's Kaz Hirai himself that insisted that they wanted to produce only one SKU. It simply cheaper to produce one production model than two for many reasons.

SWA_JM_Obi-Wan said:
@ Zen
You are right to a degree, but let's be honest here. There are some fanboys on here that think that these numbers for this week somehow prove that the PS3 is once again "Doomed", and that's just not being realistic. The 80 gig is in high demand right now, and there just arent any to be had. So in order to look at these numbers in the grand scheme of things one has to take into account the fact that there is a high demand and low supply (actually close to Zero supply). Even the Wii can at least rely on the fact that they are able to get out a Substantial supply for their very High demand system. The Bottom line is, it is a valid point in the grand scheme of things, and those who think that that demand is going to magicly dissapear next week when there are more are kidding themselves.


Nobody thinks that. They just know that if they act that way, the PS3 fanboys will feel bad and their goal will have been accomplished.

Trust me, Wii fanboys have much more fear from the PS3 then they care to admit.

They might wish it was doomed, but in reality, trust me when I tell you they are just trolling to piss you off, lol.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Yea, I think I'll wait for NPD to kick me in the balls too.

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There will be no 80gig boost next week. The reason is very simple. Many PS3 fanboys are purchasing the 80gig PS3 and in turn selling their old PS3s. Thus, the people who simply want a PS3 (those people who make up the 50,000 weekly purchasers) are simply going to purchase used PS3s, because they don't know or care about the 80gig system. The more 80gigs are on the market, the cheaper used PS3s are going to become. It may increase sales by 10,000, or it may decrease sales by 10,000. Who knows. But big boost? No way in hell.

Now all three consoles have been supply constrained after the launch period.
Go Sony!

NekoSOM said:
There will be no 80gig boost next week. The reason is very simple. Many PS3 fanboys are purchasing the 80gig PS3 and in turn selling their old PS3s. Thus, the people who simply want a PS3 (those people who make up the 50,000 weekly purchasers) are simply going to purchase used PS3s, because they don't know or care about the 80gig system. The more 80gigs are on the market, the cheaper used PS3s are going to become. It may increase sales by 10,000, or it may decrease sales by 10,000. Who knows. But big boost? No way in hell.


 Lol this post made me laugh


I guess i don't see why a Wii fanboy would fear the PS3. Afterall It jjust gained more Marketshare and is supposed to get to 50% or higher by years end, or so they say. I guess I am not the fanboy some are. I have no problem in just seeing the fact. the Wii is doing Unbelievable So far, it's a monster. I also can say Sony has allot more going for it than some give it credit for. MS? well? I personally think it's a lost cause, but hold no personal feelings about it. I personally think it's just one week and people need to be realistic and look at the bigger picture.

FishyJoe said:

Is it possible there aren't many 80gb just like there weren't many 60gb before they dropped that model? Maybe they are depleting stock on purpose to get rid of it for the same reason as the 60gb.

It's Kaz Hirai himself that insisted that they wanted to produce only one SKU. It simply cheaper to produce one production model than two for many reasons.

That would have made since if the 80 gig wasn't in production, and was impossible to find for months.  And if they didn't say that the MGS4 pack was getting replenished.