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Forums - Sales Discussion - NA sales up! X360 > Ps3

Smeags said:
DMeisterJ said:
This thread is looking to be epic.

*grabs popcorn*

Heh, looks like I'm not the only popcorn enthusiast here. Tombi can vouch for me.

*continues to much on some popcorn, along with DMeisterJ*

And Michael Jackson


Around the Network
PooperScooper said:
Aj_habfan said:
If the 80GB can really have this big of an impact, I would move that thing into Others pronto.


I'd do more than that. I'd discontinue the 40 gig and replace it with the 80 gig at the same price. That way they def. wont lose sales so it can't get any worse and it would most likely raise sales.

I would do you one better and either replace all 40gigs with 120gigs (about $2-3 more per unit for now) or replace them with 160gigs (about $8 more than a 40GB for now). I'd lean towards the 160GB personally.
I would also get my people to hurry up and release SE BC on the system. A redesign would come later when the Cell+RSX 45nm chip is ready.



DMeisterJ said:
Smeags said:
DMeisterJ said:
This thread is looking to be epic.

*grabs popcorn*

Heh, looks like I'm not the only popcorn enthusiast here. Tombi can vouch for me.

*continues to much on some popcorn, along with DMeisterJ*

And Michael Jackson


hehe I think I will come along^^ i love popcorn and Michael J


 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

DMeisterJ said:
Smeags said:
DMeisterJ said:
This thread is looking to be epic.

*grabs popcorn*

Heh, looks like I'm not the only popcorn enthusiast here. Tombi can vouch for me.

*continues to much on some popcorn, along with DMeisterJ*

And Michael Jackson


And the Joker

Aaaanywho... I'll stop detracting from the fun and games. On with the thread! Etc. Etc.


Low PS3 sales due to lack of there haters

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Around the Network
kirby007 said:
DMeisterJ said:
Smeags said:
DMeisterJ said:
This thread is looking to be epic.

*grabs popcorn*

Heh, looks like I'm not the only popcorn enthusiast here. Tombi can vouch for me.

*continues to much on some popcorn, along with DMeisterJ*

And Michael Jackson


hehe I think I will come along^^ i love popcorn and DMeisterJ



80gig SKU FTW

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Also, I don't wanna say the 80gb thing is a "talking point" however it is damage control.

These numbers must exist without condition, you understand.

Otherwise, Nintendo would never have to take grief for second place sales, like it did last week, because "it is supply constrained."

Now, it obviously is supply constrained, just as the 80gb is. However, that's Sony/Nintendo's fault, and supply constrained or not, we must accept the market as it is today, in this snapshot, not on what we hope or predict, because as we've seen with week 2 MGS4/GTAIV hardware numbers, there is never telling what will or will not spike hardware sales, and for how long, for home consoles this generation.

Questions remain. Are people buying the MGS bundle for BC or MGS4? If it's for BC, then did MGS4 really move any units at all? If it's for both, will the demand be reduced once the hype for MGS4 has been killed, with sony slow to restock? Too much speculation remains around this bundle to guarntee it as a clear and decisive hardware booster once it is released, especially when we dont' know if Sony is losing more money off each one sold, and how many will ever be put into channel.

It's almost guaranteed Sony is losing more money on every 80GB bundle, which would explain the low amount of stock made available for its reintroduction. Seriously; 70k? If Sony had so grossly underestimated demand for an MGS4 bundle, why even bundle the game in the first place? They could have done a GT5P bundle instead since it's a first party IP and a reduced price game.

I wouldn't be too surprised if the 80GB bundle continues to be supply constrained for that very reason. Clearly there's a big demand for it, but they lose more money on every unit sold.

Anyway, no conclusions can be made until normal stock levels of the 80GB bundle are seen on shelves. Even then, that doesn't settle any debate regarding BC or MGS4. Offhand I'd say both, with BC playing more of a factor the longer the bundle remains available.


The 80 gig wont give it another huge boost on HW sales, just watch!!!!
you fanbots are talking like that price tag will have no effect on it.

80 gig will take away the 40gig buyers for sure and the sale # will hoover back at normal level.

@ Zen
You are right to a degree, but let's be honest here. There are some fanboys on here that think that these numbers for this week somehow prove that the PS3 is once again "Doomed", and that's just not being realistic. The 80 gig is in high demand right now, and there just arent any to be had. So in order to look at these numbers in the grand scheme of things one has to take into account the fact that there is a high demand and low supply (actually close to Zero supply). Even the Wii can at least rely on the fact that they are able to get out a Substantial supply for their very High demand system. The Bottom line is, it is a valid point in the grand scheme of things, and those who think that that demand is going to magicly dissapear next week when there are more are kidding themselves.