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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Castlevania Judgement for Wii... and it's a fighter?!

BrainBoxLtd said:
lightbleeder said:

What experience does Konami have with fighters anyway??

Why they're responsible for the well respected Rumble Roses series!


This game was awesome.  Still, no faith in Castlevania fighter from me.  Why couldn't we get a 2.5D action/adventure game?  *sigh*

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Has anyone considered that the game might be a 3d side scroller like the DS games and that the screens we have so far are from boss fights? Far- fetched but quite possible...

The_vagabond7 said:
My initial reaction was "What the hell!!?" and then after that "hmm....alright, I'm interested"

It is a shocker, but a non-traditional 3d tourney fighter with Castlevania characters actually sounds incredibly bad ass. Alucard Vs Simon? I am there. Well, provided it turns out good. I'll definately keep my eye on it at the least.

But this does show a really annoying flaw in wii owners. They don't want jack, they seem to hate everything. This is a unique game that looks like it's getting alot of effort from a great company from a great franchise and the overwhelming reaction is "This is shit, give me something more traditional". If you want traditional and often times generic action adventure beatemup/shootemups go get a 360 or PS3 they've got tons. If you want traditional why did you buy a wii, something that was trying to shake tradition off in favor of something completely different? I love my wii BECAUSE it gets these sorts of games, the kind that I won't find anywhere else.

Well and most people have already dub'd this zero-effort crap, even though it's being made by their main Castlevania dev team, has great graphics for the Wii, and has DS connectivity to Order of Ecclesia.  Still, it's not what people were hyped for so it's automatically crap.  RE:UC had the same problem.  It's an awesome co-op game but so many people called it a spinoff that it became under-appreciated.

naznatips said:
The_vagabond7 said:
My initial reaction was "What the hell!!?" and then after that "hmm....alright, I'm interested"

It is a shocker, but a non-traditional 3d tourney fighter with Castlevania characters actually sounds incredibly bad ass. Alucard Vs Simon? I am there. Well, provided it turns out good. I'll definately keep my eye on it at the least.

But this does show a really annoying flaw in wii owners. They don't want jack, they seem to hate everything. This is a unique game that looks like it's getting alot of effort from a great company from a great franchise and the overwhelming reaction is "This is shit, give me something more traditional". If you want traditional and often times generic action adventure beatemup/shootemups go get a 360 or PS3 they've got tons. If you want traditional why did you buy a wii, something that was trying to shake tradition off in favor of something completely different? I love my wii BECAUSE it gets these sorts of games, the kind that I won't find anywhere else.

Well and most people have already dub'd this zero-effort crap, even though it's being made by their main Castlevania dev team, has great graphics for the Wii, and has DS connectivity to Order of Ecclesia.  Still, it's not what people were hyped for so it's automatically crap.  RE:UC had the same problem.  It's an awesome co-op game but so many people called it a spinoff that it became under-appreciated.

 Have ya played the fighting games Konami has released? They weren't exactly zero-effort, but man were they crap. It is really hard to get behind this game regardless of the team behind it as a result. I want it to be great, but I am extremely skeptical currently. If it wasn't for the very intriguing control method I would not understand how anyone could be excited.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

I've played TMNT: Tourney Fighters. The other thing is none of the other fighters were made by this team... this is their Castlevania team. Who knows if it will be good or bad? I'm not judging it either way other than saying it has potential and it's stupid to write it off as bad immediately based on past games that were developed by completely different people.

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This being the teams first attempt at a new genre isn't confidence inspiring either though. I am trying to be cautiously optmistic, but theres not a lot to try and redeem this game right now. It is overly optimistic to put faith in the game just because the development team behind it can make good games in a completely different genre. I can see why people are aggravated that it isn't a game they would be almost certain to enjoy. Most people are complaining about what the game isn't rather than what it is, and I can understand that.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Well I post this also in the comment section of Castlevania Judgment official announcement:

I found really interesting this sentence of the PR statement:
“The Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk capabilities, along with the iconic characters, make this game the ideal entry point into the fighting game genre. This combination is certain to thrill old and new fans of the franchise. “

They speak about "entry point for fighting genre". The impression is that they could be follow Nintendo disruption model ...
Also they are using old characters in the saga to caters to lapsed gamers in a fashion similar to NSMB or SF4.
What do you think about it disruption's followers ?

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

Every time a brand name is used in a way which was not its tradition, the question which automatically pops into my head is:

Would I care about this game if it didn't have this brand name and related content?

Of course, not much is known about the game yet, but I believe your own answer to this question will tell you how much you should care about the game.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

well I still don't like this the idea of being a fighting game, but who knows, it might turn out good..

But castlevania ceased to really matter on home console after the transition from 2D to 3D.
Episodes on N64 or PS2 are at best average/good but not the pinnacle ( that was) of the action genre.

Now we have the saga relegated to (nintendo) handheld console for this motive.

NJ5, do you think it will be profitable a 3D castlevania with HD assets ?

We are amidts a disruptive storm and I think this is the right time to try to revive a saga and try to make it relevant again.

reggie once said :"Innovate or die"

PS: However a copy of Soul Calibur style of game won't work. for this goal. But for now the gameplay element is mostly hide.

PPS: If Nintendo would only hear about its loyal fanbase the company will be destined to be ruined. Think about it

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.