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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Castlevania Judgement for Wii... and it's a fighter?!

New scans from JEUXFRANCE.


I really don't know what to think, I love Castlevania series but I never expected something like this ...











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Riachu said:
naznatips said:
Desroko said:
naznatips said:

After the initial shock wore off I'm actually somewhat interested, and want more info. This certainly isn't some half-assed spin-off (look at the graphics). I figure after the DS games Konami has earned the benefit of the doubt, so I'll say I'm cautiously optimistic and really looking forward to more info.


Cautious optimism is reasonable (I'm not a fighter fan, so I don't share it), but if you could only have one or the other, you'd probably take a Castlevania action-adventure game over a Castlevania fighting game, right? I just don't get what Konami's getting at here.


Not a 3D Castlevania... hell no. This is absolutely better than a new 3D Castlevania. As for 2D Castlevanias, that's why I own a DS... I already got the new 2D Castlevania announcement I wanted on DS, and it looks great. Now I get something different on Wii. I don't really see the problem. Seem's stupid to not own a DS if you are a Castlevania fan, as Dawn of Sorrow is easily the best game in the franchise's history.

Hello? Ever heard of SotN?



Hello? Ever heard of Castlevania III and IV?


But anyways, I'm seeing the expected knee-jerk reactions. Big surprise. Of course I'd rather have a game from the main series(if there is even a "main" series to Castlevania any more), but I'm open to the idea for this game. You better bring the goods on this one Konami, that's all I have to say.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

I like that Simon, a whole bunch more than the one from the saturday morning cartoon.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

I'll give it a try. It never hurts to try something new. I agree with another poster who said they weren't excited for the new DS entry. I'm glad that it's not a 3D traditional Castlevania on the Wii.

It doesn't look as half assed as Soul Calibur Legends so it might be a decent spin off.

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First of all I hated the 3D CastleVania's....I was schocked to find out this was a 3D FIGHTER....And a fighter who is only playable with the Wii mote and nunchuck...

Ugh...this is not good for my heart;...

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You know, if Konami just felt like throwing away some money... they could consider giving me some.  ^_^

Looking at the screen shot it actually looks pretty good. That being said, I am a bit shocked and this and odd direction to go. We shall see. It's like Soul Caliber Legends but in reverse.

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Tayne said:
I'll give it a try. It never hurts to try something new. I agree with another poster who said they weren't excited for the new DS entry. I'm glad that it's not a 3D traditional Castlevania on the Wii.

It doesn't look as half assed as Soul Calibur Legends so it might be a decent spin off.

I am still disappointed by this Castlevania being a fighting game


My initial reaction was "What the hell!!?" and then after that "hmm....alright, I'm interested"

It is a shocker, but a non-traditional 3d tourney fighter with Castlevania characters actually sounds incredibly bad ass. Alucard Vs Simon? I am there. Well, provided it turns out good. I'll definately keep my eye on it at the least.

But this does show a really annoying flaw in wii owners. They don't want jack, they seem to hate everything. This is a unique game that looks like it's getting alot of effort from a great company from a great franchise and the overwhelming reaction is "This is shit, give me something more traditional". If you want traditional and often times generic action adventure beatemup/shootemups go get a 360 or PS3 they've got tons. If you want traditional why did you buy a wii, something that was trying to shake tradition off in favor of something completely different? I love my wii BECAUSE it gets these sorts of games, the kind that I won't find anywhere else.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

I have yet to see a fighting game that can work in motion controls well. Given Konam's less than stellar track record with the genre I am far less than hopeful. I do wonder what the connection to the DS version is though.

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