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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predictions - (When) Will the Wii Overtake the 360 & PS3 WW?

meh, August 09, because no one else picked it

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March 2009

My Bet: June 2009

February 2009, a few weeks before it reaches 50 millions (see your other thread).

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


November 2008

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kylohk said:
June 2009, since the current gap is 5.02 million. It seems that the PS3 and 360 are playing a zero-sum game in terms of sales. PS3's gains are mostly at the expense of the 360's. The public perception of the HD consoles isn't helping their cause either, and that diminishes the effects of any price cuts that might appear.

As for deathgod33's argument about "when the PS3 and 360 drop to accessible prices", I'd like him to put himself into the shoes of the companies' CEO. Is it even economically viable to release a US$250 PS3? They were suffering losses even with a $599 launch price, so why go even lower? If something were to be priced at US$250, they are going to have to strip away many of the features in the hardware to make it cost effective, thus going against their marketing emphasis on BluRay and "next gen all round entertainment platform".

As for the 360, it's at the accessible price of £160 here in the UK, and that hardly helps it. So public perception affects sales in a larger way than just price alone.


that doesn't mean they are system sellers, and pretty much nintendo hardcore already bought a wii, thats why they are focusing in their shovelware, wii sport 2, wii music.

February 09.

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Why did I not post in this thread?

I say February 2009.

October '09 would be my best guess.