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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predictions - (When) Will the Wii Overtake the 360 & PS3 WW?

Major price drops will be the only thing to see any significant shift in percentages as we enter the 4th year of competition this generation.

Of course a $199 Xbox with HDD (unlikely without a major hardware redesign), $299 PS3 slim and a $150 Wii could all cancel each other out and percentages may well end up roughly the same through the rest of the current generation.

We'll see what happens this holiday season with the PS3 price drop all but confirmed and the first Wii price reduction looking very likely with current sales dropping off from peak.

Most likely this holiday will see a $299 PS3 and a $199 Wii.

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Who would have thought that the recession would help the HD consoles... I guess Patcher made that call and a few of us

The numbers actually show it's the Xbox that's been gaining the most market share in 2009 at the expense of the other two, largely due to carryover effects from the price reductions. It was exactly when the price cuts were implemented that the platform started selling better.

And I don't buy that next to nobody is buying Arcades for $199.

If you were a late PS2 adopter for example, and just want to play the games on the cheap, ignoring online, a $199 Arcade and a huge library of cheap and discounted games both new and used makes it an ideal budget gaming platform.

I actually think the Arcade is a perfect option: it can play most of the games out of the box and they you can customize all the accessories at your own budget, rather than buying everything on Day 1.

Currently playing on PS3: God of War III

Currently playing on Xbox360: Final Fantasy XIII

Currently playing on NDS: Chrono Trigger

dolemit3 said:
I actually think the Arcade is a perfect option: it can play most of the games out of the box and they you can customize all the accessories at your own budget, rather than buying everything on Day 1.

It's amazing how people can't understand that point... poor people arn't buying a PS3 because they're shy it's because they're broke... saving up for a 360 is feasible for a Walmart cart pusher... they can purchase the other stuff later on when they can afford it.  I think the next big drop is probably 160ish... If they do this soonish I think it'll be impossible for the Wii to catch up... I don't think the Wii sells because of price it's because of what it stands for and Wii Fit.

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Wii will never have more market share than PS3 and 360 combined. Momentum is shifting towards the PS3 and 360 picking up sales and closing the gap on the Wii.

May 2011

You should reopen the predictions for this, from now till 2012 theres literraly nothing to look forward to except for the people that said the Wii will never hit 50% (me).

Khuutra said:
Gilgamesh said:

Nope never

The Xbox 360 is selling a lot compared to what it use to sell, and as soon at the PS3 gets a price cut it be selling at the same level as the Xbox 360 more then likely more so combine sales will definitely be over the Wii's. Also the Wii doesn't seem to be doing good in Japan and I can see the PS3 starting to surpass the Wii in sales for quite a bit of weeks in Japan.

And in 2009 all the best games will be for the PS3 and X360 just like 2008, eventually that's gonna bite the Wii in the ass unless they start pumping out some AAA games.


That's silly.

No, that's silly tsk tsk Khuutra, looks like Gilga got it 100% spot on. 26.4 mill lead for Wii to overcome now!!!