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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I Have 500 Wii Points left? What should I buy?

I Finally bought myself a Wii points card yesterday and ended up purchasing FFCC:MLaaK - Which I think is awsome to say the least.

I'm wanting to spend the remaining 500 points on something.  I hear 'Defend Your Castle' is pretty good and it looks fun on the YouTube video's I watched but when I played it through the web browser, I did not have as much fun as i thought...  Maybe a controll thing with the mouse... as it was a little difficult to keep moving the mouse around to pick up the enemies.

Is it better on the Wii?  Should I buy this game?

OR - Would you recomend another game I could get for the measly 500 points I have left?

Thanks in advance.

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!

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Buy me a WiiWare game ^_^

Soriku is right get metroid, or the original LoZ. Also if you run out of points and don't want to hassle with going to the store to get a wii points card you could could always buy wii points with a debit or credit card. Also next time you get points use 800 of them on the best game of all time(imo) super metroid.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Metroid on the nes... I used to own Super Metroid and that was awsome.

The origional LoZ hey? Didn't thinkk of that. I remember playing that such a long time ago I have forgotten weather it was good or not!

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!

Defend your Castle!!!

its sooo much fun when you play with 4 ppl.

and the upgrades you can purchase make you want to play again and again.

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Megaman II? Hmmm. I realy enjoyed the Mega man x game on the snes but haven't really enjoyed any other. Is MM2 better or similar?

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!

@Arsanel - Ok I guess you've been playing DYC with others. My wife likes to play game too but i'm not sure how much she'd enjoy this game. (She probably wont like any of the others though)!!

How is it single player? Obviously much more fun multiplayer and if my wife likes it it'll be great... Just wondering about single player though?

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!

If I were you I would buy:


- Ninja Gaiden (1 or 3)

- Super Mario Bros. (I never played the original one O.O)

- Ballon Fight

- Kid Icarus (if you want a hard-to-beat game )


OR you could save them to buy any other new WiiWare game or NES game.



I would go with Kirby's Adventure. As much as I like LoZ and Metroid I find it is easier to get into a lighter game like Kirby.

I have exactly 500 Wii points too. Unfortunately, I'm in the situation described in Arsenalrc15's sig. I used to buy VC titles all the time, but I refuse to buy anything until Nintendo solves their storage problem. I haven't played a single Wii Ware title. My loss, and Nintendo's loss, I guess.

On topic, Super Mario 1,2, or 3. You really can't go wrong. Either that, or save the points until you can buy Pokemon Puzzle League. It's the best puzzle game ever!!