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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How Good Of A Gamer Are You?

I would say my gaming skills are Truly 1337 or RolStoppable, havent found anyone online in cod4 who could beat me, and i always play games at the hardest difficulty so they have the most challenge. And yes, i have played all the hard nes and snes games through.

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id say im great. i play such a diverse mix of games that i can do well at all but not totally dominate one specific game. but when i see people who dom at 1 particular game they usually suck at other games (not always just sometimes) I hate fighting games though i suck at those bad

Xbox live and Playstation Network = Foulcun

Not playing my wii online yet...maybe you can talk me into it

i put myself just above incredibly but below epic

there inst a game i cant be good at i just never have time to devote to developing my skills, but you put a game in front of me and i can beat it no problem and learn it very quickly


dtewi said:

It is self-explanatory. I'll give you a scale to go by. Worst on top, best on bottom.


Zero- The absolute worst you can get. You suck beyond belief. You have never beaten any game, even with infinite lives and unlimited health cheats.

A Lot Better From Zero- You still suck. You can only clear the first few levels of a game on the easiest settings. Maybe you can beat some extremely easy game with cheats.

Casual- You're not a good gamer, but you're not incredibly horrible. You can beat some games, many of which are considered kiddy and easy. You can beat a hard game with cheats.

Meh- You're a below average gamer. You can beat a lot of games, but not on hard difficulties. You can also barely beat hard games.

Average- You're average. You can beat easy games on hard, medium games on normal, and hard games on easy.

Good- You are good. You can beat some hard games on higher difficulties. You can also speed-run through ultra easy games.

Great- Your gaming skills are above average. You can clear most games on high difficulties, and you can beat a normal game 100%.

Incredible- You are very, very good at gaming. You can beat hard games on the highest difficulty, and can beat ultra-intense games on very low difficulty.

Epic Win- You are amazing. You can speed-run hard games and can get 100% on hard games on maximum difficulty.

Pwns0me- Holy shit you're incredible. You are able to beat some of the hardest games ever made on normal difficulties.

Truly 1337- You are elite at gaming. You can destroy anyone online. You can also defeat any game you want on any difficulty. You can beat ultra-intense games with game-modifying cheats to make it even more ultra-intensier.

RolStoppable- Oh. My. God. This is the best you could possibly ever hope for. You can do anything within the gaming world. You can set records for games that will leave everyone speechless. You are unbeatable in online. You can speed run the world's hardest game without so much as breaking a sweat. You are the best.

Leo-j- Lies about how good they are. Probably worse than zero. Loses on the Calculator in the Start menu. 2+2 comes up as 5.

I would rate myself as incredible.




"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

The ranking criteria on that list are all over the place. Some examples of different games would be appreciated - ie. where would DMC3, I wanna be the guy, Trauma Center, Supreme Commander and Super Paper Mario land on that list.

I'd guess I'm somewhere between Incredible and Pwns0me, but that only applies to Single-Player action games. I'm okay with shooters, suck at sports and car games due to lack of interest, and have no idea about the rest.

Warning: The preceding message may or may not have included sarcasm, cynicism, irony, full stops, commas, slashes, words, letters, sentences, lines, quotes,  flaeed  gramar, cryptic metaphors or other means of annoying communication. Viewer discretion is/was strongly advised.

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I'd say I am a "great" gamer for most genres. But I don't do speed-runs (don't see any real accomplishment in it or a true showing of skill by doing it) and I don't usually complete a game 100% (by choice, again don't see the point unless it's for an unlockable).

I'd say I was "meh" for RTS's though, I don't possess mad hot-key skills.

I think that, instead of rating ourselves, other people should rate us.

i'll say incredible on some games but really average most of the time.


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                          PSN: papasmurf5721







When it comes to sports games especially NCAA Football I am incredible, could hold my own against anyone.

However, when it comes to FPS I am absolutely the worst player in the game. If I am on your team and we are going into battle together, most likely I am not only going to die quickly, but I will probably get you killed too.

 “I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

Stephen Henry Roberts


fazz said:
I think that, instead of rating ourselves, other people should rate us.

How would they know how good we are?