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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Okami and DMC Creator:Bayonetta will be the best game i ever created


"Hideki kamiya posted a new Blog Entry in the official Platinum games Blog over Facebook... he stated that he is going to do his very best with Bayonetta to live up to the legacy of games like Fantasy Zone, Space Harrier, and Afterburner, he also Said that it will be the best game he ever Created ... BOLD WORDS! you mean to tell me its better than Okami, Resident Evil 2 , DMC 1, Viewtiful joe !! Since its Kamiya, we have to Believe him :) ... stay tuned for more Platinum games news."


Gameplay Impression

there is also a gameplay impression,,,,,The guy was invited to a study group 3 months ago and they were shown 10 min of the gameplay.


"The main character walked around an outdoor monistary looking type place, which was extremely colourful, there was lots of particles and butterflies, reminded me a bit of Fable 2 in regards to the artistic settings. Its a bit fairy tale like"

"The gameplay is very fast paced, on a number of occasions it had a strong resemblance to DMC but in a good way, the graphics are absolutely gorgeous, i think probably to this day the best i have seen for that genre. The story and enemies, i mean fighting against angels is awesome idea.


"The physics in the game looked extremely good, especially the part i saw with ogres and rocks being smashed up and the ledges collapsing, very believeable physics in terms of structural deformation.

The character animation is top knotch as well, the character just flows from one move to another move with such agility and ease, the movement is incredible fluid and it looks like it will be great fun to play. It really does make the eyes stare and you dont want to blink because you dont want to miss any of the ridiculously cool combat moves you take part in."


what do you guys think?






Around the Network

god damn it you guys ,,,show some enthusiasm for the Fu**ing bayonetta lool




I'm really getting hyped for this game. :D

i cant wait to see more of this game, any game made by someone who made okami deserves my attention

Wii/Mario Kart Wii Code:2793-0686-5434

I'll need to see and hear a little more to get excited. Hard to get excited about "rock deformation". JK but you get my point.

Around the Network

It's going to be featured on the front cover of EGM, so it should get some hyped. It sounds very exciting!!!



i'll get excited once i see some game footage. but if those responsible for okami are involved that's a good sign.

MontanaHatchet said:
It's going to be featured on the front cover of EGM, so it should get some hyped. It sounds very exciting!!!


which month montana?did you read the gameplay impressions ?it says the game is extremly colorful and violent at the same time.

Killing angles ,,,mmm that sounds




What system is this coming out for? No one in this thread mentioned anything as far as I can tell. Not all of us know what this game is! In fact I've never heard about it. =P

Do we know any details about the story or gameplay? That preview you posted just talked about technical aspects of the game, which really did nothing for me.


it's coming out for PS3 and 360 (no PC version )

no details,,,E3 hopefully.