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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What's your favorite game of the genre you dislike the most?

Mario's Time Machine, eduaction genre.

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Genre: Sports games.

Favourite: Tecmo Bowl on NES.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Hmm, I would say I probably hate racing games the most but I love Mario Kart Wii.

If you don't want to accept Mario Kart Wii as a racer (since people don't for some reason) I guess my next favorite racing game would be Excite Truck followed (by pretty far ways off) Burnout Paradise.

I've never cared for or been interested in RPG games but about 12 or 13 years ago, Best Buy had a game on clearance for just $6! Games for the system usually ran about $50-60 or more so this was obviously a bargain. I played that game a lot after giving it a chance. The included guide helped and made the game for that price an absolute steal. The game was fun and very unique, especially since I never played RPG's much at all. I can only hope there is a US sequel someday. I'm just glad I happened to stop in to Best Buy that day and walked over to the video game section and picked up a copy of Earthbound.

I'll come up with something better eventually...

FPS => Duke Nukem 3D

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I HATE sports games, but I like Mario tennis for the 64 a lot

I hate most sports games and racing games, but I can make exceptions for crazy wacky arcade styles and weapons and stuff, so it's not just a simulation game. I can't pick a favorite, but my exceptions have been:

Blades of Steel for great fighting
Ice Hockey for great fighting
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition for turbo fouling and hot spots
Mutant League Football for mutants and bottomless pits on the field
Mega Man Soccer for Mega Man and villain special moves
Super Mario Strikers for turbo fouling and items


Rock 'n' Roll Racing for regular weapons and rock and roll
Mario Kart series for crazy weapons

And now I seem to be opening up to these genres for Wii controls, so I'm down with

Wii Sports
Excite Truck
Super Swing Golf

I absolutely dislike fps, they are all the same... ehh don't know actually, never played any after WOLFENSTEIN 3D. (tried doom and duke, no fun...)

Don't like racing games either but i dare you to beat me at MarioKart64...

I hate Sports games, but I liked Wii Sports to an extent.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

i suppose the main genre i dont like is RPG's i do like Fable though