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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Connecticut State Senator Alarmed Over (non-existent) Rape Scene in GTA IV

If such thing happened here in Greece, we would hang them from a tree!
Here in Greece these things sound so funny. I mean, we have such guys (fundamentalists and extreme nationalists ), but they usually are part of the TV circus parade. No one can take em seriously.

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I live in CT, so I have to live with these goddamn Congressnannies day in and day out. I once saw one of this lady's colleagues(my congresswoman) in a gas station and we were talking politics. I asked her if they were serious about this type of stuff and she said 'yeah,' I then told her I and all my friends would be more than happy to vote for the candidate who didn't trample all over the 1st Ammendment and she quickly changed her tune. All it takes is letting these people know they're barking up the wrong tree to stop them. Write letters to your Congresspeople and Senators if you want this bullshit to stop.
Remember Hillary Clinton. She lost by such a close margin. You think it might have had at least a little to do with gamers(like this one) refusing to vote for her? I do. We have more power than you think.

I totally agree. Half my family lives in Greece and they can't believe the bullshit we put up with over here. When I went back in '06, it was like a different planet(in a good way!) haha

Someone should write her a letter and tell her they run a train up on Princess peach on the very last level in SMG

How the hell do you make somebody a sociopath? Is that even possible?

(I've met a few. I can't tell if it's nature or nurture, but there's no cure.)

@Ghost of RubangB
I think it's nurture. Almost always has to do with the parent(s) and/or a society that forces the parent(s) to work 80 hour weeks and just be too tired to hang with the little ones. On the other side is verbal and physical abuse of kids at the hands of parent(s) who shouldn't have had kids in the first place.
Unfortunately, politicians don't get elected by saying 'parents suck.' They get elected by placing the blame on scapegoats and strawmen, because in America, it's never your fault. It's always big, bad GTA. Or Manhunt. Or Mortal Combat. Or....

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king_of_the_castle said:
I think the next GTA should force you to have to pay for gas in the cars you steal, maybe that would get politicians focusing on some real issues.


Well said.

colonelstubbs said:
Fucking women these days

Huh? What?

@ OT: This is rediculous! How can they assume things without even playing the game that's BS! Since when do we trust rumors? This is really sad...

Why do these people have any control?

Reminds me of this:


ugh, wow....

lol that's hilarious..... GTA is M rated anyway... they could put baby killer scenes raping a dog while shagging a old man smoking crack in jail cell in Guantanamo while a jew and muslim play ping pong with the nuts of a catholic and it shouldn't be a problem for that very reason..... did they cancel your constitutional rights last week and I didn't read the memo ???

I have the box under my eyes and it says: blood, intense violence, strong language, strong sexual content, use of drugs and alcohol....

is there something she doesn't understand in "strong sexual content" ??? the esrb ratings are there for a reason