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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do the Dualshock 2 analog sticks register more than 2 degrees of pressure?

Whats weird is that the analog buttons on the DS2 were way more sensitive that the buttons on the XB and GC.

EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



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I have never had any problem with aiming or anything like that in Playstation games or racing with the sticks. But i'm playing GT5p right now and i can tell you that the DS3 stick has a full line of sensitivity and not just 2-3 zones. Its also very smooth with PS3 shooters. The controller also feels the exact same as the DS2.

And i never had any problem with GT games on the PS2, so maybe its just some games use these 2 degree's you talk about.

DMeisterJ said:
RolStoppable said:
DMeisterJ said:
I don't understand the problem with the DS2. I had mine for years, and played tons of PS2 games and didn't have a problem.

My theory is that PS1/2 who haven't played a lot of games on Nintendo consoles didn't notice that they were playing with inferior controls all these years. So of course you don't understand the problem. That you are DMeisterJ doesn't help your case either.

That's similar to 30fps vs. 60fps. You really don't notice how inferior 30fps really are, if you don't play a lot of games that run at 60fps. For example think about PS1/N64 games when you first played them, you probably thought that the framerates were good. However, if you take another look at them after playing a lot of 6th gen games you start to notice how bad some of these games' framerates actually were.

Must you have so much knowledge Rol?

That makes sense.


I've never really had any problems with the DS either. I like the analogs. :P I like the loosness. That's just me though. I've just always prefered the PS controllers over other controllers. Not that I can't adapt to other controllers though.

PSN: Lone_Canis_Lupus

The GC and XB didn't have analogue buttons that's why.... They had 2 analogue triggers but the other buttons are digital.

Although tbh I don't think many PS2 games used the analogue buttons at all, which created another problem in that you had to press them harder to register. (kind of like playing F-Zero X on VC with a GC controller, you have to click the shoulder buttons to attack)

RolStoppable said:
TWRoO said:
The GC and XB didn't have analogue buttons that's why.... They had 2 analogue triggers but the other buttons are digital.

Although tbh I don't think many PS2 games used the analogue buttons at all, which created another problem in that you had to press them harder to register. (kind of like playing F-Zero X on VC with a GC controller, you have to click the shoulder buttons to attack)

The A, B, X, Y buttons on the Xbox controller were analog and they were the ones you had to press really hard, not the PS2 controller ones which were fine.

The X,Y,A,B White and Black, and both triggers were all analog on the Xbox. Off the top of my head I can't recall which buttons on the GC were analog.

But for games like Gran Tursimo the X button worked great for a gas pedal. Quite reponsive for a little button. Trying to use a button for gas on the Xbox and you would notice the accuracy difference.

It always amazed me how crappy the resolution on the DShocks pad was campared to the buttons.


EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



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^Well I found I had to press DS2 face buttons and d-pad hard too.

I didn't know about XB buttons though, I assumed they just sucked like the rest of the controller, I am glad I didn't have an XB as I think I would have blistered my right thumb.

^ the Xbox j-pad was much better than the Dual Shock 2

I have 5 DS pads at home and the mount for the motor all broke on every single one.
I had to open up each one and super glue the motor so that it would work.


The most responsive game for the PS2 AFAIC is GT3 and 4.

EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



The lack of sensitivity is something that drives me nuts about the Dualshock 2. I first noticed it when playing the Super Monkey Ball collection. The level of control was absolutely HORRID compared to the Gamecube version of the game.

I am fairly certain that there are more than two degrees, but the resolution is pretty poor, and the "dead zone" is huge. If you pop in a Gran Turismo game, you should be able to move the stick and watch the telemetry respond to your movements.

RolStoppable said:
darklich13 said:
RolStoppable said:

The A, B, X, Y buttons on the Xbox controller were analog and they were the ones you had to press really hard, not the PS2 controller ones which were fine.

The X,Y,A,B White and Black, and both triggers were all analog on the Xbox. Off the top of my head I can't recall which buttons on the GC were analog.

But for games like Gran Tursimo the X button worked great for a gas pedal. Quite reponsive for a little button. Trying to use a button for gas on the Xbox and you would notice the accuracy difference.

It always amazed me how crappy the resolution on the DShocks pad was campared to the buttons

I always thought that White and Black were digital buttons because they were much easier to press. Of course the two shoulder buttons of the Xbox were analog.

Only the L and R buttons of the GC controller were analog which in my opinion was enough, because how many games used more than two analog buttons anyway? They mostly got only used in racing games for accelerating and braking.

Yea their all analog.  I hooked up my Xbox pad to my PC and with the driver program you can see the sensitivity on the screen.  The analog sticks have a range from -250 to 250.  With each number being a point of accuracy.  The DS2 were half of that.  I would assume that the GC controller would be the same as the Xbox.  They both feel really close to me.


EMULATION is the past.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E



RolStoppable said:

Just as a reminder: This topic isn't about whether or not you have a problem with the Dualshock 2 controller, I am asking if someone knows about any games that register more than two degrees of pressure on the analog sticks to clarify if the Dualshock 2 is even capable of that.

Is it ok to whine about the times I wanted to run and the game registered as I was pressing L3? The thing is that the analog must be very far from the center to run and when you push it a little harder than normal you usually press L3 as you run. The problem is more common with older controllers (the more you play the more the sticks loosen up). It is pretty annoying in the heat of the battle. In Bully, for example, L3 would make you look back. So whenever I was running away from someone I would press it a little harder and the character would look back and made me crash into a wall.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."