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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Carnival Games creeping up at the 2 million mark


my magical powers tell me this game is pure shit. (carnival games)

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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weezy said:

my magical powers tell me this game is pure shit. (carnival games)

I thought about buying it during the games drought, but my spider sense kicked in and I backed away.




weezy said:

my magical powers tell me this game is pure shit. (carnival games)


Fair enough, who am I to argue with magic. Hell, it got Coperfield laid, so its clearly more powerful than I. :)

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weezy said:
I'm just amazed how such a shitty game could outsell most of Sony's arsenal.


                     It is quite amazing. And it also says a lot about the direction the video game business is going. The only way to be profitable when developing games that appeal to hardcore gamers is to meet their ridiculous standards. If it's not a top notch game, then it is not going to sell very much. Look at GRID and Ninja Gaiden. They are both good, not great, but good games and I'd be surprised if ninja Gaiden made it very far past a 1,000,000 and GRID made it past 500,000 copies sold. Now those are by no means bad sales but considering the quality and production values they deserve much more. The bottom line is I'm sure they lost money.

                     As to how this relates to Carnival Games? Most things in the gaming industry from on now are going to be marketed towards casual gamers for reasons you are all aware of. (It's cheaper to produce games and the audience is naive enough to buy games of a lower quality) As hardcore gamers, we as a whole will be considered a niche because the overall gaming demographic is now much wider. Is this a good thing or bad thing for hardcore gamers? More people are playing games but it's not the games that we enjoy. They're "enjoying" shovelware like Carnival Games. Through the eyes of a developer, it's is much more appealing to make lower quality games and make tons of profit. That is why you see rumors of Sony and Microsoft making motion controllers in order to get a piece of the action. It's not that motion controllers are bad, it's just that the market now has a demand for them. Once they have a decent share of the much larger casual market, they too can create crappy games and have them sell 2 million copies. Next generation you are going to see much more shovelware. More than you can handle. And once again the only ones that really win in the end are the corporations. Because the point of their existence is not to serve us the consumer, it is to profit as much as the consumer allows them too. We are enabling.


WOW! you know the wii has a terrible library when shit like this sells.

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@Mighty douche

Ya,Wii with 8 games in the 5 milly+ range compared to PS3 who doesnt even possess a 4 milly seller.

What a terrible library Nintendo has. Absolutly sucks with Super Mario Galaxy,SSBB, Wii sports, Super Mario Kart...


BTW I never said PS3's library is terrible. I just Clearly stated Carnival Lames has outsold most of sony's arsenal. Via VGC statistics


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Mighty_Douche said:
WOW! you know the wii has a terrible library when shit like this sells.

Alright now. If you don't have a better contribution than that, than just leave the thread please.




this will be one of the reasons that Wii will be getting more of this game instead of actual quality games from third parties.(do you know how much profit this game will return?,,,alotttttttttt)

yea it is a sad truth for nintendo hardcore gamer crowd.

Imagine me and my horsie in the carnival 2  confirmed for the wii.




Watch yourself man, you will get banned if you keep crap like that up on these forums.

The Wii does have good games but sales are not a good argument for it can paint an entirely different picture aswell. Look at Zack and Wiki or No More Heroes.

weezy said:

Outselling 10/15 PS3 million sellers



outselling 16/20 PSP million sellers (psp only has 20 million sellers????)


Who said 3rd party games don't sell well on wii?

LMFAO wow.





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