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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is a bigger Franchise? God of War or Animal Crossing?

i like god of war better

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... This is like comparing a pizza and a monkey... completely different audiences, and kinda pointless to compare.

Bigger? Animal Crossing?

I've never played an Animal Crossing game and wouldn't want to... and God of War was horrible. When people say it has a good story it makes me wonder if they've ever read a book. I mean it's story is roughly on the level of "Hercules: The Legendary Journies".  If i had found anything about the game good at all i'd rate it "better" at least to me.  But as such... draw.  I'm not big on those sim like babysitter type games though.  Even Harvest Moon i couldn't get into.

I also find it odd that people argue that because it sold on a handheld it dosen't count. Maybe people are blinded by how amazing the DS is selling games and software... but handheld games tend to sell below their console counterparts. (last i checked.)

The difference for DS was that it offered a gaming experience one couldn't get on a console with the crazy stylus thing. Even though that's what i hate about the DS since i hate tiny screens and love options to plug the damn thing into my TV.

Nintendo should totally come up with a way to let me use my wii to play DS games on a TV. The Wiimote could be used for a makeshift stylus i think.

kingofwale said:
sc94597 said:
SO the wii isn't casual enough now? Or is it only that the wii is casual when sony fans choose it to be? I would say yes it will sell well on a home console. The gamecube game sold 2 million , and that is with a smaller, and ONLY hardcore userbase.


how is... GC ONLY hardcore userbase? No, it's not as casual as Wii, but it's by no mean "ONLY' hardcore.

it sold "Well" on GC, but it didn't sell THAT well, to say it's better than one of the (if not THE) best game on PS2 is a joke.

it might win in sales number, but it fails in every other category when comparing to God of War.

what other categories does it fail in? i think animal crossing has more lasting appeal than god of war. thats just one other category that goes to animal crossing that i can think of.

and for the record, ps2 was more casual than the gc ever was. im not saying that you ever said that the gc was more casual, im just making a statement, because i know how you forum people get all defensive. and i know youre a sony fanboy too.


I'd say GoW is the bigger "core" franchise but AC is the bigger franchise overall. And we all know which one matters in the end.

To the guys comparing handhelds and consoles, you can't really do that. Just look at Monster Hunter. It sells millions on the PSP and barely breaks 500k on the ps2.

Would Nintendogs sell 15+ million on the Wii? Hell no.

Some games are just better on handhelds. They're fun games that cater to a wide variety of people and are easy to play on the go. This doesn't always translate into great console sales. They "fit" on handhelds when they wouldn't do so well on consoles.

That being said, AC should still sell quite a few millions on the Wii.

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makingmusic476 said:

I'd say GoW is the bigger "core" franchise but AC is the bigger franchise overall. And we all know which one matters in the end.

To the guys comparing handhelds and consoles, you can't really do that. Just look at Monster Hunter. It sells millions on the PSP and barely breaks 500k on the ps2.

Would Nintendogs sell 15+ million on the Wii? Hell no.

Some games are just better on handhelds. They're fun games that cater to a wide variety of people and are easy to play on the go. This doesn't always translate into great console sales. They "fit" on handhelds when they wouldn't do so well on consoles.

That being said, AC should still sell quite a few millions on the Wii.


I'm not so sure about the Monster Hunter example, MakingMusic. Not that this is a big deal -- as I essentially agree with your point -- but I think it's unclear if MH is big because it's been on handhelds or because the franchise has steadily grown in popularity regardless of its location (along the lines of GTA III -> GTA: VC -> GTA: SA). I suspect that both factors played a significant role. Look at the sales of this franchise:

Monster Hunter 1 PS2: .28 Million
Monster Hunter 2 PS2: .62 Million. Sales more than double.
Monster Hunter Freedom PSP: 1.41 Million. Sales more than double again.
Monster Hunter Freedom 2nd: 2.2 Million. Sales increase significantly.
Monster Hunter Freedom 2nd G: 2.31 Million. Still increasing significantly, likely to end up at 2.5 Million+.

While there definitely is significant growth as a consequence of being on the PSP -- I wouldn't argue that for a second -- you can see the franchise was already growing on the PS2. Which, again, begs the question: did the franchise grow because it moved to the PSP, or simply because the franchise was becomingly increasingly popular? I think it's a combination of the two.

Sorry to nitpick, Makingmusic, as I know you didn't mean anything by it. I've just gotten involved in too many "Wii MH3 will do poorly because MH is portable!" conversations.">">

FJ-Warez said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
The Ds is a scapegoat because it is a generally accepted gaming machine due to price,games,acessability,etc.The same people who play a DS probably won't pick up a console controller,and it's hard to compare the two;DS games and console games.I don't see Pokemon or Animal Crossing games selling that much on a console.


Funny, the same thing can be said about the PS2, it was the accepted gaming machine, featured most of the games... still the GoW franchise didn't got help of the huge install base...

True,but I'm sure alot of people who owned a PS2 didn't have that many games to go with it,or you would see alot of 10 million copies sold for x,y games compared to the size of the install base.Handhelds tend to have higher software numbers because of acessability.The games are cheaper and thoroughly more enjoyed on a handheld than a console.imo

DMeisterJ said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
I'd just like to thank kingofwale and Soriku for starting this awesome thread.

Here are some trends we can look at:

Animal Crossing on N64: 0.26 million
Animal Crossing on GC: 2.98 million
Animal Crossing on DS: 9.47 million

God of War on PS2: 3.20 million
God of War 2 on PS2: 2.11 million
God of War on PSP: 0.75 million

As you can clearly see from these numbers, one franchise is growing exponentially, and one is shrinking very quickly.

God of War on the PS2 sold that much after it became a greatest hit.

And God of War 2 on the PS2 is still in NPD's top 20 last month apparently... I forget where I read that, but I'm almost certain that it's true. And that game is not a greatest hit yet. (Or maybe it was God of War 1), but anyway, once God of War 2 goes to greatest hits, expect similar sales to God of War 1.

But let's compare review scores.

God of War: 94

God of war 2: 93

God of War: Chains of Olympus: 91

Animal Crossing (Gamecube) 87

Animal Crossing DS: 86

Considering God of War is more "hardcore" and going to appeal to game reviewers... and that your talking like... 4-8 points between the two... i'd say your point falls apart.


I thought this was going to win an easy win for GoW but it seems its the opposite.

Kasz216 said:

God of War was horrible. When people say it has a good story it makes me wonder if they've ever read a book. I mean it's story is roughly on the level of "Hercules: The Legendary Journies".

I used to watch the hell out of Hercules, back when it was a series of made-for-TV movie specials, before it became the TV show.  Some of the weeks it would be a different made-for-TV movie, like this futuristic Knight Rider spin-off that's like a cross between Knight Rider and Mad Max.  I'm not really into that crap anymore, but I can still wax nostalgic and watch some crappy movies every once in a while, usually while drunk.  I'd even get drunk and watch a crappy God of War movie if they had one.  The problem is when they want me to button mash through a story, and keep me interested with animated breasts and a rhythm game to control some moans, reminding me that the game makers think I'm an idiot at every turn.

tl;dr version: I really don't see the difference between God of War, Devil May Cry, and Dynasty Warriors.  Beat 'em-ups should be in 2-D, so they don't rely on stupid combos and "gruesome kill" moves, and are actually hard as hell instead of cakewalks.


Kasz216 said:

I'm not big on those sim like babysitter type games though.  Even Harvest Moon i couldn't get into.

I'm not gonna sell you on Animal Crossing, or even try to.  I just want to make sure you don't think it has anything to do with babysitting.  For me the draw of the game is the fashion and interior decorating.  You collect furniture and try to assemble a full set with a matching theme, and organize your house nicely.  You get rated by this house decorating organization and compare scores.  And you trade furniture with other people in town and online, and find some in the dump.  Also, you can design your own clothes and put swastikas or dicks on everything (hence the friend codes), and you can put them in the shop, and if you're popular with your neighbors, they'll start wearing your designs.  And then one of your neighbors usually decides to move into your friend's town when you connect on wi-fi, and they'll be wearing a swastika hat and a shirt with a dick on it.

tl;dr version: That sounds really boring when I write it down and read about it... but I swear, the multiplayer trading and crap kept it interesting for 3 months or so.  God of War definitely doesn't have that replay value.