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Forums - General Discussion - Weird thing happend to me.

Ive been thinking about quiting my job,

I was talkking to my mum, and she goes, i had a dream that you were quiting your job...
Like im even having a week off next week to think about this.

Has this ever happend to anyone else. Its kinda creeping me out

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Do it then, fate demands that you follow up on this blatant showing of the way forward.

@ mistershine

Was that a joke?

Yes and no.

If you do it and it all goes pear shaped then I'll maintain that I was joking. If however you do it and end up rich beyond your wildest dreams then I will take credit for issuing sound advice and expect renumeration in acknowledgment of such facts.

My mom says stuff like that all the time. She thinks she's a psychic or something. I always make fun of her because of that.

Shake and bake, it just happend.

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The only reason we get freaked out about things like this is because it is so unlikely. But the reality is it could have happened at anytime. We remember wierd coincidences such as this because they seem odd. however, if you look at it logically this sort of event could happen millions of times a day. For example, if your mother had a dream about you making a jam sandwich and then saw you making a sandwich she would have considered that wierd, but it was just one of the thousands of individual activities you carry out each day. So I wouldn't quit your job solely based on your mothers dream, I would weigh up the real issues such as pay in your new job or your current promotion prospects and job satisfaction. I wouldn't quit right away unless you could move into another happier job.

well the job i got lined up is..
20$ an hour 30$ for night shift

Current job 2nd year apprentice
8.76 an hour

How much will you be on AFTER you've finished your apprenticeship?

about the same.

Im loosing interest in this but,

It was my bosses idea to take a week off and have a think about it

What are the jobs? If the $20 job is shoveling shit and the $8 job is eating cake then it's a no brainer.