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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RROD is in the past, why won't you buy an Xbox 360?

Squilliam said:
Jandre002 said:
I dont like that the 360 tried to be a replacement/ alternative this whole generation to Sony instead of finding new reasons to buy the system. The buying of exclusives, including JRPGs, really pisses me off. Paying people NOT to put a game on another system even though you know it won't sell on your console is ridiculous to me.

I have a 360, but if I didn't I would probably buy one for Gears 2 if Microsoft hadn't been paying money to basically ruin my gaming experience. I like my PS3, and I want to play games on it. That doesn't mean I wouldn't buy a 360 but Microsoft has been dicking over PS3 owners this whole generation. Therefore I dont want to support them.


 So you're upset that Microsoft is helping to fund the development of JRPGs which would have NOT BEEN MADE, without their help. Then you get upset that they have the audacity of wanting the game exclusive as a pay back for the money they invested. They also don't have many first party studios so instead their strategy is to buy the promising exclusives they find for their system. Sony has a huge first party, so the question is why aren't they releasing more games?

Why don't you get upset at Sony for NOT assisting in the development of JRPGs? Considering that the genre is even weaker than last generation and is in danger of being turned into just a niche.

That's a debatable claim at best. Most likely, it isn't even remotely true unless you have some kind of source that says otherwise. IMO, MS is doing more damage to the genre than anything because they're severely and artificially limiting the potential user base for the games. As a result, I think people are losing interest in the genre. 

And Sony is supporting the genre with White Knight Chronicles. 

@ Jandre

I think you have an interesting point. With MS's strategy of buying up third party games, MS has no incentive to come up with an interesting idea on their own. That kind of attitude doesn't exactly push the games industry forward in any significant way. 

Edit: I just want to make it clear that I don't think that MS hasn't contributed in advancing the industry. They've done a ton especially in the online arena. 


My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

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ssj12 said:
JaggedSac said:
^^Thats too bad because Mr. Gates is now using around 30 billion dollars to combat world hunger and disease. Hate something worth hating jackass.

please look up where the money is coming from, etc. Also why doesnt he spend that 30 billion in OUR country and solve OUR hunger problems?

"When I give the poor food, they call me a saint. When I ask, why the poor have no food. They call me a communist"

When you're picking up garbage you tend to be more efficient picking it up where its more concentrated and you have more incentive to clear up concentrated areas than run around the yard chasing the litter.

There are places in the world where the clear and present need is far greater than in the U.S and it is more concentrated, so therefore a lot more efficient for an outside agency to counteract.

Also human need is human need, why do you care about borders between yourself and your brothers? Are they less worthy of aid because they fly a different flag?



ssj12 said:
JaggedSac said:
^^Thats too bad because Mr. Gates is now using around 30 billion dollars to combat world hunger and disease. Hate something worth hating jackass.

please look up where the money is coming from, etc. Also why doesnt he spend that 30 billion in OUR country and solve OUR hunger problems?

Because the problems elsewhere in the world are much much much worse than in the US.  Besides, one dollar in a poor third world country can go much farther than in the US, so he can help more people that way.


I'm not worried about RROD.  The biggest obstacle right now is that I already have a Wii, and I don't have enough time/money for all the games I want on that console.  That huge list in my sig isn't going to disappear overnight.

Switch Code: SW-7377-9189-3397 -- Nintendo Network ID: theRepublic -- Steam ID: theRepublic

Now Playing
Switch - Super Mario Maker 2 (2019)
Switch - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019)
Switch - Bastion (2011/2018)
3DS - Star Fox 64 3D (2011)
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Wii U - Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (2010/2017)
Mobile - The Simpson's Tapped Out and Yugioh Duel Links
PC - Deep Rock Galactic (2020)

I'll get one when Brawl is released for it ^^

ToastyJaguar said:
TheRealMafoo said:
If MS wants to sell more 360's, they need to lower the price.

PC's are now a lot more powerful, and for the price of a 360, you can get a good PC. 90% of all the 360 games can be played on a PC.

If MS has more exclusive 360 games, I think it would have a better shot of selling well.


I think it's more like 25% percent


23 of the 42 games (full games, not XBLA games) in the 360 "exclusive" thread will be released on PC. And that number should really only be 41, as he included the Last Remnant, a game that will be hitting the ps3. 

And that's just the games in that thread.  What about all the pc/ps3/360 multiplats like DMC4 and Assassin's Creed?

And what about the games like Gears 2 that are currently listed as 360 only but will inevitably come to the PC?

The fact is a majority of the 360's games come to the PC, usually in a superior form.  For guys like me, that makes the 360 a waste of money.

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makingmusic476 said:
ToastyJaguar said:
TheRealMafoo said:
If MS wants to sell more 360's, they need to lower the price.

PC's are now a lot more powerful, and for the price of a 360, you can get a good PC. 90% of all the 360 games can be played on a PC.

If MS has more exclusive 360 games, I think it would have a better shot of selling well.


I think it's more like 25% percent


23 of the 42 games (full games, not XBLA games) in the 360 "exclusive" thread will be released on PC. And that number should really only be 41, as he included the Last Remnant, a game that will be hitting the ps3. 

And that's just the games in that thread.  What about all the pc/ps3/360 multiplats like DMC4 and Assassin's Creed?

And what about the games like Gears 2 that are currently listed as 360 only but will inevitably come to the PC?

The fact is a majority of the 360's games come to the PC, usually in a superior form.  For guys like me, that makes the 360 a waste of money.

The cost of buying a new PC to be able to play the latest games exceeds the cost of a 360. Customisable PC's can be built by yourself providing you know what to buy.  PC's are outdated within two years. 360 price are falling. Another 360 price cut is going to arrive in NA soon.


@making music, and thats a perfectly reasonable point of view.


ssj12 said:
JaggedSac said:
^^Thats too bad because Mr. Gates is now using around 30 billion dollars to combat world hunger and disease. Hate something worth hating jackass.

please look up where the money is coming from, etc. Also why doesnt he spend that 30 billion in OUR country and solve OUR hunger problems?


 Well.. i don't know what you meant by saying that but, dont you think it's a little selfish say that? I mean, there are A LOT of countries that REALLY need it, yes, there are hunger problems in USA, but not as close as some (if not all) third world countries.

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The price is still way to high, if they'd drop the price to something reasonable like $200 I know a number of people who'd pick on up. As it currently stands those same people are slowing buying Wiis instead.

WiiStation360 said:
What I want: Smaller. Quieter. Cheaper. Free Live.



But I will only buy secondhand games.

And I'd do research first as to whether RRoD really *is* in the past.