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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - RROD is in the past, why won't you buy an Xbox 360?

I dont like that the 360 tried to be a replacement/ alternative this whole generation to Sony instead of finding new reasons to buy the system. The buying of exclusives, including JRPGs, really pisses me off. Paying people NOT to put a game on another system even though you know it won't sell on your console is ridiculous to me.

I have a 360, but if I didn't I would probably buy one for Gears 2 if Microsoft hadn't been paying money to basically ruin my gaming experience. I like my PS3, and I want to play games on it. That doesn't mean I wouldn't buy a 360 but Microsoft has been dicking over PS3 owners this whole generation. Therefore I dont want to support them.

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I hate Microsoft and Bill Gates.

^^Thats too bad because Mr. Gates is now using around 30 billion dollars to combat world hunger and disease. Hate something worth hating jackass.

I've been waiting for that imminent price cut for over a year now. Fortunately (?) I haven't had much time for gaming in the past year, so not getting it didn't lose me much.

Jandre002 said:
I dont like that the 360 tried to be a replacement/ alternative this whole generation to Sony instead of finding new reasons to buy the system. The buying of exclusives, including JRPGs, really pisses me off. Paying people NOT to put a game on another system even though you know it won't sell on your console is ridiculous to me.

I have a 360, but if I didn't I would probably buy one for Gears 2 if Microsoft hadn't been paying money to basically ruin my gaming experience. I like my PS3, and I want to play games on it. That doesn't mean I wouldn't buy a 360 but Microsoft has been dicking over PS3 owners this whole generation. Therefore I dont want to support them.


 So you're upset that Microsoft is helping to fund the development of JRPGs which would have NOT BEEN MADE, without their help. Then you get upset that they have the audacity of wanting the game exclusive as a pay back for the money they invested. They also don't have many first party studios so instead their strategy is to buy the promising exclusives they find for their system. Sony has a huge first party, so the question is why aren't they releasing more games?

Why don't you get upset at Sony for NOT assisting in the development of JRPGs? Considering that the genre is even weaker than last generation and is in danger of being turned into just a niche.


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@ Jagged: "^^Thats too bad because Mr. Gates is now using around 30 billion dollars to combat world hunger and disease. Hate something worth hating jackass." 

So that's where XBL subscription fees go....

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

Yep, we are saving the world.

JaggedSac said:
^^Thats too bad because Mr. Gates is now using around 30 billion dollars to combat world hunger and disease. Hate something worth hating jackass.

please look up where the money is coming from, etc. Also why doesnt he spend that 30 billion in OUR country and solve OUR hunger problems?

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in the past? I want 100% RROD free 360 before I dare to buy one. Yes, that's right. 100%, not 99, not 99.9% . Things break, but if I end up buying one and it gets the ring, first I will kick the shit out of it until not a single screw remains in place, and then I'll fucking eat it for being such an asshole. You see, I just wouldn't forgive myself if I get the ring, knowing it was very likely I was going to get it. I need 100% assurance that if the piece of crap will die it will be ANYTHING BUT RROD. I won't waste my time with warranty and won't be holding my breath everytime I play the thing. I'm afraid I just don't like to be taken for stupid.

JaggedSac said:
Yep, we are saving the world.


 This is just pathetic..Why do I even bother posting

On topic:

Since I dont want to seem like a troll.. I dont buy it because I can get most of the games I want on the PS3, also I can also get them for my PC as well.. therefore there is no point in wasting money on the 360.

