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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - If one Nintendo franchise HAD to end...

None! I like them all

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and screw you! Donkey kong is awesome! ;P

WarioWare, please kill it Nintendo!

Also Star Fox and F-Zero. I actively want these series' to end :P

Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Metroid and WarioWare- END them all.


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I'd have to go with Mario Party.

You've had your run, now hurry up and make Mario Party All-Stars (Every single mini-game from 1-8, add online, and wa-la!) and leave the gaming world be.

While DK may be struggling, he's also had some shining moments here and there with Konga Beat and Mario vs. DK. Unfortunately, his first Wii outing wasn't one of those shining moments...

And let's wait for WarioWare: Mean Lean! (Balance board...) until we kill it off. I actually enjoy its wacky and random humor (and my non-gaming/wii newcomer friends love it too).

And for Star Fox... all I can say is to go back to its roots and stay strictly on rails (and strictly in the Arwing...).

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I would say that the Mario Party franchise is sooo overused.

Mario Tennis and Golf I don't mind as thats only one per hardware generation. Mario Party is like every year or 18 months.

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Definitely Donkey Kong.

I suppose that Nintendo could shave off a couple of their mistakes. The Paper Mario series should be killed for the abomination that Super Paper Mario is, along with Mario Party for being so played out and yet being able to sell so well. And if repeated ports of old NES and SNES Mario games that we've already played is considered a series, than that should be eliminated as well. If it had to be a complete universe, then just get rid of Mario.



all mario spin offs except a select few. smash not being mario (nintendo in general) is safe, mario kart, and maybe a few others.

btw, WHERE THE **** IS A MARIO TENNIS GAME ON WII?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

Mario has been played out WAY too many times, he needs to retire, and all of his little friends too.