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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gamers!! Was the GTA4 exclusive DLC worth the $

50 Million dollars (remember not pounds or Euros) is not that much in todays next gen game world development, MS know that most 360 owners of GTA IV will buy these Two new episodes so it's money in the bank for MS and NOTHING for SONY....

And if they turn out to be good they know that the huge fanbase that GTA has will sell a lot more 360s as they will all want this......

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*bleu-ocelot* said:
Picko said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
Picko said:
*bleu-ocelot* said:
After GTA4 came out,many expressed a dislike for the game and subsequently either sold it or don't care to play it.My question; can the DLC really be a big hit-what could make it big? and will Microsoft ever recoup that 50 million dollars? With the release of the 1st DLC rumored to hit early next year,at the latest.I doubt many will care by then.I don't think Microsoft predicted the game to be lackluster in the eyes of gamers,or even realise it is. ^^Discuss.


 As always game discussion is dominated by the very vocal minority. The "many" you speak of are almost certainly a very small minority of gamers who bought the game.


Go to any forum and mention GTA4.It is synomanous with disappointment.The internet is not a minority.

The internet might not be but gaming forums certainly are. At the end of the day its a vocal minority making a lot of noise. I think its impressive that they could make so much noise but no conclusions should be derived from them.



Why? Any serious gamer who buys DLC would be on gaming forum,right?

Of course not. That notion is absurd.


Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 

Its worth it if they make thier money back and gamers get excellent content worth the price of admission I guess its a wait and see thing.

People shelling out more cash for a game that will be close to a year old? The DLC =/= the price MS paid for it; it was a stunt to get the PS3 users to buy it on 360 and it has seemingly failed (sold about at the same rate in proportion with both console's base).

Actually I doubt M$ thought the general public would know anything about future downloadable content. Contrary to what you believe the masses don't spend their time absorbing every bit of gaming news out there. Most people won't know about it until it is available for download or a few weeks before.

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The $50 million was a loan.

The DLC will do very well i think because it's GTA but of course the content has to be good so it really depends on what it is.

I find it funny how many people were saying that GTAIV is big enough as it is yet people completed it and decide never to play it again. More episodes is something i'm looking forward to.

Kyros said:
many expressed a dislike for the game and subsequently either sold it or don't care to play it.

LOL anecdotal evidence is the worst. Or in other words this forum doesn't count. Care for more anecdotal evidence? GTA4 is my most-played game this gen and it gets better and better the longer you play it and it will still sell well when most other games have long been forgotten. (Easily being the best-selling non-bundled game at 9.3m btw)

But before we have seen a screenshot of the DLC its hard to say if it was worth it. b

ah yeah rite, the only good thing is graphics and story( san andreas was far superior in all the othet categories ) no tanks, no planes, no bycycles, no fitness regime, Far fewer weapons, Small City in Comparison, no countryside, no pimping cars, the list goes on

o tanks, no planes, no bycycles, no fitness regime, Far fewer weapons, Small City in Comparison, no countryside, no pimping cars, the list goes on

It has less features than SA. Wow that's a big problem for one of the biggest games I have ever played with hundreds of possibilities at any given moment.

Doing the core gameplay much better (better driving, far better shooting, MUCH better multiplayer, awesome city...) in my opinion counts for more than having no "fitness regime". I have played it since it was out and I am almost half through. Believe me people with a job do not need more features.

One of the most critically acclaimed games ever thats sold very well isn't worth it? Cod 4's DLC sold over a million in a week or something around that timespan, I think the DLC will sell well no matter what it is, the question still remains what is it though?

Can't say yet.

I do think the $50 M didn't generate any noticeable sales - i.e. I think GTA IV sales on 360 would have been roughly what they were without the promise of the DLC, more importantly so far I don't think the promise of DLC has generated much in the way of additional console sales for 360.

However once the DLC is released it could generate a second wave of GTA IV purchases so we won't know until the DLC actually hits.

The real test will be whether we see more 360 console sales driven by the DLC when it releases.

I'm not holding my breath though and at the end of the day if I was a betting man (which I'm not!) I'd bet on the DLC not delivering what MS wanted for $50 M which was a big spike in 360 console sales driven by masses of gamers buying a 360 just to play it.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...