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Forums - Sony Discussion - Will the PS3 see a Price cut anytime soon.

I am thinking about buying one.

Also, what SKU would you all suggest? I still have a working PS2, but would not mind the BC

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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Given the strategy Sony stated in their investors' conference, it would be very surprising if there was a price cut before next year. They're focusing on achieving profitability first.

Conclusion: go ahead and buy your PS3, now what model I don't know...

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

I think the next price cut will be Christmas 2008

in all honesty, the only way we'll see a ps3 price drop, is if it's in response to a price drop from the competition which affected their sales. i highly doubt it to be honest, especially considering that it's not a great move financially either.

There might be a price drop in Europe because of the strong euro.

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I doubt Sony wants to kick themselves in the ass after stating; that they want to focus on profitability.

slimeattack said:
There might be a price drop in Europe because of the strong euro.


 but the strong sales will make sure that doesn't happen any time soon. Why would Sony drop price if they are selling at its listed price already?

Only way I see a price cut is if MS starts outselling it weekly again.

bigjon said:

I am thinking about buying one.

Also, what SKU would you all suggest? I still have a working PS2, but would not mind the BC


No, we won't see a price cut this year; sony has made this pretty clear to us.

Sounds like you want an 80gig, almost full BC except for a very few games (their is a list on sony's site which games are BC for the 80gig... its about 90%).

No price cut this year, thats what I believe.

Anything else is just assumptions.



There could be a price cut in Europe because MS might cut US 360 price, so PS3 needs to keep up WW. Cutting the price in NA would be nonsense due to the weak dollar.