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Forums - Sony Discussion - MGS4 question?

If you are going for a no alert game and you continuously restart the game every time you get caught would you count that as cheating? My friend says thats the only way since you would need perfection otherwise but I view it as lying to yourself. What do you think? Has anyone done it w/o restarting?

Play B3yond

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Unless you'd rather just restart the game from the beginning every time, I wouldn't count it as cheating. I mean, if somebody can sit down and go start to finish without having to redo an area then good for them, but I know I can't do that (at least not without some serious memorization of enemy movements and practice) so I'd settle for the next best thing, retrying areas where I was spotted.

It'd probably be wise to save in every area so if you're spotted, you wont have to start again from that far back.

Why would it be lying to yourself?

In any case I already got the stealth, and bandana I used a tranq gun/sniper, and used face camo to hide.




The only problem with stealth and bandanna is that they're special items and to get many of the emblems at the end of the game, you can't use those items.

I wouldn't say it is cheating.  And would you really restart the game every time you got spotted?

Kind of off topic, but have you gone for a no kill game?  If so how do you get past (in Act 2) the two guys in those suits while you are on Drebin's truck (when you go by the mansion).  I tried stun grenades, the pistol, and the rifle, but none of them would stun or put them to sleep.  Otacon kept telling me small arms fire won't work, so I just killed them.

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Certain enemies don't count for kills, though I'm not sure about those guys.


I don't know why I covered my answer up, it's not really a spoiler.... but whatever

cqc them

Play B3yond

I wouldn't consider it cheating, seems almost impossible to go the whole way without an alert, but I'm sure there's someone out there who can/will do it.

Are you talking about just dying and continuing, or restarting the whole game? I normally try to just die and continue, but in the beginning of the game the enemies are so bad, I usually had to blow myself up with the RPG or something so it didn't take forever.

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IllegalPaladin said:

Certain enemies don't count for kills, though I'm not sure about those guys.


I don't know why I covered my answer up, it's not really a spoiler.... but whatever

They definitely count.

And I don't think you can get on the ground can you?  So I don't think you can cqc them.

What does the bandanna do?