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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What the Hell Paper Mario

I beat the first two then started playing super paper mario. Just couldn't get into it.

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Seems like a trend... People who loved the second Paper Mario hate SPM, and people who love SPM just can't get into TYD. Personally, I'm on the side of loving SPM and disliking TYD, mostly because SPM is a lot more player-friendly. In SPM, you don't have to constantly watch both what you're fighting AND the background in case somebody in the audience is going to attack you (who thought that was a good design decision, anyway?), and the game is a lot more forgiving of mistakes (which are far too easy to make in TYD; how was I supposed to know that every pool of water in existence is infested with Chain Chomps that damage you?).

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

I liked super Paper Mario the most.
The dialogue was too much, put thats what Rapid 1 pressing is for.

pichu_pichu said:
RolStoppable said:
pichu_pichu said:
paper Mario > paper Mario ttyd >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPM


Your opinion is wrong.

how can opinions be wrong ?

By being different from mine?


Sky Render: how was I supposed to know that every pool of water in existence is infested with Chain Chomps that damage you?

By purposely falling into one at the beginning of the game to see what would happen. Don't everybody do that when they start a new game to see the limits imposed upon you (and when you get upgraded abilities like in Zelda or Metroid)? Hell, even babies, toddlers and kids know how to do it, always trying everything that us more experienced adults know enough not to do. "Oooh, that fire sure is pretty, I wonder how it feel to the touch" "Oooh, this lump of earth sure looks tasty" "Gee, I wonder what would happen if I put a ramp here and go really fast with my bike"...

"I do not suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"


I never played SPM, but I gotta say that I loved PM way more than PMTYD....way more

loved the cool music..and it felt fresh...TYD felt boring..and...well...more of the music..not impressive

it always love an RPG so much...once they change too feels too from FFI to FFII

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TTYD was my favorite,
TTYD: 10/10
PM: 9/10
SPM: 7.9/10

I'm a firm believer in games not punishing you for taking risks. Which is something that TYD is not good with at all. I gave up around the time I ran into enemies that could not be jumped on OR hit with the hammer, which basically reduces tactical options against them to "pray you have a Fire Flower on hand".

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

deathcape said:
I never played SPM, but I gotta say that I loved PM way more than PMTYD....way more

loved the cool music..and it felt fresh...TYD felt boring..and...well...more of the music..not impressive

yeah, the music was the best part... Ch.7 music was the best ...

i don't know i couldnt get into thousand year door at all but i enjoyed super paper mario but i agree with windbane the 2nd half of the game wasn't that good but i loved the flipping thing

I know! me too!
I really hope the next paper mario returns to the original taking turns battle system...Super Paper Mario was a huge dissapointment

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