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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sexually explicit content

@Mnementh sexualy explicit images have been around for centruries ? that must make it acceptable then /sarcasm.

My problem isn't with sexualy explicit images/content but rather the context that it is used nowdays.

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i dont care about sex in teh fact that it might hurt some child, that is the parent s ob to keep it out of their hands...

what i am sure will happen is the same thing that happened to became a cruch to get a okay movie better hits....

the same thing will happen add a little controversy and it is amazing how many people see it as the second coming of christ...(GTA series)


I don't think that sexual content should be viewed as being "explicit".

Mnementh said:


 Well, I've found tonight's entertainment.

Mnementh said:
Sex in art is very normal. Not only today, it was normal in ancient times too. For instance you can look at this image: That's more than 1000 years old. That unnatural stance to sexuality and nudity is mostly found in the US-culture, but other cultures that base on christianity or islam may have this problem also to some deegree.


 lol, u just assume these things because you are PC. Always associate bad and old-fashioned stuff with christianity.

Prove us that Asian cultures (the non-islamic & non-christian ones) have a less "unnatural stance to sexuality and nudity" than the West has!


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My country is infamous for having strict laws concerning violence in games (and in movies, btw).

But you can buy this movie over here when you're 16:

9 songs is not a good movie. It's more an arthouse porn attempt (with some good live music footage between the explicit scenes), but I like the fact that 16 year old teenagers can buy it over here. Just like "Lie With Me" (yes, there are regular American movies with explicit scenes), "Intimacy" and others.

As someone said before in this thread: Sex is always better than violence.

But if most movie directors have a hard time to implement sex in a decent way, how would game developers achieve this as long as lots of their character animations still look like muppets compared to real life?

I saw we make sex illegal and put it in video games and make murder and such illegal so that way we can end the human race.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

everybody loves sex, so what's the problem?


Ajax said:
everybody loves sex, so what's the problem?

The current lack of it in video games.  

Why not?

I mean... it might annoy me if some character slept with annoying JRPG girl B with the loud always shouting anime voice... but hey whatever... I mean considering all the other crap you can do in games.

Just so long as you stop before rape anyway. I don't need another "Custer's Revenge"