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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sexually explicit content

No problem at all. Games should be made for all ages and be able to have content and themes in line with books and films IMHO.

Of course in US (no offense to my US friends) it seems that for some reason perfectly normal sex is worse than violence (even it that's seen as 'bad' by many too).

Mind you I'm not looking to sit through MGS4 length cutscenes of 'uncanny valley' character models humping... not that I'd object to others watching such stuff if that's what floats their boat.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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Man, I had such high hopes when I saw the title.

Personally, I find (roughly) 99% of sexually explicit content to be completely unnecessary in most movies; and in most cases it is just a crutch that is used to make a poorly written/acted/directed movie seem edgier (see David Cronenberg). I would much rather that videogames focus on what movies have abandoned like plot and character development, than have them start including sexually explicit content.

Well, we can make the same argument about cursing and any other objectionable content on any other art medium. If the person crafting the art wants the content, they damn well should be able to put it in.

Violence is fun in video games. Sex in video games is wrong.

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Rock_on_2008 said:
Violence is fun in video games. Sex in video games is wrong.



It doesn't really matter what I think or what you think about sexually explicit content.
Fact is, some people do like it, and there is no harm done as long as parents do their job.

Rock_on_2008 said:
Violence is fun in video games. Sex in video games is wrong.

This is your alternate account isn't it you repressed piece of...



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Thanks waiting to hear from you .

Don't deny it, because thats the same as admitting it!


yeah it is going ot go that way and it will be tragic when it does....just like American movies games will become nothing but a bother till the next scene where you can blow something up or F something......a sad, sad, day