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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sexually explicit content

tits and fanny!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

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Ajax said:
dude, what the hell are you talking about? of course there is no need for sexuel stuff in boardgames, that's an absurd and wrong example..


You obviously don't pick up on sarcastic humor very well 

But video games... sure more sex!  Cuz you know, all that bouncing digital silicone  just doesn't cut it for me anymore... if they don't start putting in fully interactive sex scenes into games soon im just gonna give up on gaming in general.  Who plays games for fun or entertainment anymore?  Seriously, don't you people know its all about "TEH BOOBAGE" these days!


On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

For the record I don't see anything wrong with having a character love interest added to the plot of the game or a romantic scene here and there to move the story along, but there's no reason for it to be anything more graphic then what you'd see on a daytime soap opera, because if it is then it just becomes gratuitous by the simple fact that games aren't something you watch like a play or movie... they are meant to be played.

Once you start crossing that line like the "Hot Coffee" hack did (even though it was pretty basic and not really as graphic as people made it out to be) you're gonna open up a whole 'nother can of worms that quite frankly should stay sealed. There's plenty of stuff out there to satisfy anyone's cravings for that sort of thing, and i don't think we need to ad mainstream videogaming to that list (not counting all the adult and independent stuff on the PC of course, but thats a whole separate audience... )

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

I don't need a 'fuck sim mini game' in the average rpg too; i think Square did a great job with those mature and sexual themes in FFVII; real sexual explicit content you can put in sex games like the japanese love to play lol


Slimebeast said:
Million said:
Slimebeast said:
Ail said:
Slimebeast said:
appolose said:

I'll explain why. Christian virtues. As the U.S. and Europe had a lot of Christian influence put to them, many principles became accepted, and still exist strongly today, even in non-christian organizations. These principles dictate that both murder (and other forms of violence) and adultery are wrong. And as such, these principles have impacted the gaming industry as well (along with many others).

Now, it is these principles that create the radically different attitudes towards sex and violence. As stated above, adultery is forbidden by Christian virtue; but it does not forbid sex. Also the other virtue does not totally forbid violence, just unwarrented violence (such as murder, which is unjustifiable killing). Expounding upon adultery (adultery being sexuality outside of a marriage, Christianity also forbids lust, castigating it as a form of adultery. Therefore, as these virtues are still present in the game industry, ANY sexual display inherently brings with it the possibility of lusting to the player (which, of course, is forbidden), whereas any display of violence does not warrent itself to being justifiable. For example, my parents have much less of a problem with me playing a WWII game then they would for a GTA game.

You might ask why, then, is unwarranted violence allowed today? I think the distincition between warranted and unwarrented violence can easily blurred, what with plot and character and all. So the industry has crept a lot faster towards accepting unwarrented voilence displays over sexual ones.

So that's the main reason (IMHO) why sexuality is far less allowed.


Blame the christians eh?

How about other cultures that aren't christian? It ever occur to you that they happen to have the same principal moral values?

Or do we see nudity and sex in Japanese and Korean games?




 You can see breasts in tv commercials and even in the news in Europe...



 Yes indeed. And all of Europe is of christian culture. That is why his (appolose's) attack on christianity fails.


That right there is garbage , you could argue that europe is influenced by christianity moresoe than other religions but here in europe we're not heavily influenced by christianity at all , especially in the Uk.


Yes I know, but that wasn't the point here. I debunked that guy's quasi argument about christianity being the reason for present day hypocrisy on sex vs violence. .


 Woah, I was not attacking Christianity for anything (see my sig in fact).  I was giving the reason for why I thought the sex/violence dichotomy existed.  Nor do I neccessarily think it's hypocritical.  In fact, from a Christian point of view, such an imbalance makes perfect sense.

About the display of sexuality in Europe: as I said before, sexuality has had a much slower slide towards acceptence than violence, so I would posit that Europe's move towards it has simply been faster than the U.S.'s.  I really don't think Europe had such an openness towards public sexuality all along, now have they?


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz
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the moral is christian in NA and Europe, so also the sexual moral, especially in the US you can't show or say a lot on national tv, in the Netherlands you do have sex and tits and stuff on national tv in the evening and at night, you can also say fuck on tv and whatever you want


it wasn't until the forth century AD when sex became sinful, it hapenned with the rise of christianity and the fall of Rome, the christians made it sinful, and started the whole sex only to get children, and after you've got married, and clothing that shows few skin and so on, the germanic, greek and roman people where before they became christians much more open and relax in regard of sex


you americans have things like the f-word and the n-word, we don't have that in the netherlands, and also nothing gets bleebed out or censored on tv


I don't think the question here is if you'd get turned on or not but if it's appropriate or not. I couldn't care less, I can't get exited over pixels, but if other people want it then fine. I don't see how sex is worse than violence.

I really don't care. That whole "try your luck" in GTA was kind of lame cuz all you got was some screaming and that's about it, they might as well have left it out, and put airplane flight back in.

I could see from a parents stand point that they wouldn't want little billy able to have sex in a game, but it's nothing I haven't seen before so I don't care. They would just have to change the rating of the game.