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Forums - Website Topics - We need changes here - Fanboy threads/personal attacks OUT OF CONTROL

There have been a lot of deliberately inflamitory threads that have started up recently. Im not going to name names of course but we really need to clamp down on these types of threads for the good of the forum. These threads are really damaging the livliness and vitality of the forum and they act like a cancer, the more that pop up the more they incite others to do the same in retaliation.

The forums here are a big part of the site, they are visible on the front page and these threads REALLY do nothing but damage the quality and reputation of this site. Any first time visitor to this site could really be left with the impression that this is a fanboy hellhole and that is a tragedy because it really undermines the good work a lot of the people here do to produce those numbers.

We've had a thread recently about praise we recieved from a wallstreet analyst and yes there was a lot of well deserved back-slapping but at the same time many of those same users act in a way that damages the well earnt respect that our weekly numbers here generates. We've all seen and some of us have laughed at OTHER sites that are fanboy hellholes, yet right now people could laugh at this site for the same reason.

I believe that the moderators do a great job walking a fine line so I don't begrudge them for the current situation on the forum. I propose that you* should close threads quickly when their end result is obvious and I believe that the moderators should be given a wider range of powers to deal with problems apropriately rather than having to resort to banning users all the time. I don't want them to be on the recieving end of flack for just doing their job. I think having more tools - such as removing thread posting priveledges, limiting the ability to post new threads until a certain number of posts are made/reviewing new threads made by new users before they are allowed to be posted are great ways of controling the problems.

Im not posting this from a position of being a saint, I have made posts recently that have deserved having me banned. I am ashamed for helping fuel some of the problems that I complain about here, but I think people here are getting sick and tired of this constant stupid warfare. Its the personal attacks and the threads made to cause offence that really need to stop.

Sorry this is long and thanks for your time.


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If you really feel strongly about it then you're going to have to call people out.

Too right Squilliam. Two things that need to change:

1) Random Troll posts in threads that just want to incite anger

2) Retaliating with equally negative/sarcastic posts in response to the original post that is being replied to (I know I've done this a few times).

Let's just stop with the trolling for one, and then the just as bad reply or the "you've been reported" post, you hit the report this post button, now leave it to the mods.

I agree that lately a lot of new accounts are being created just to insult or troll. But controversial threads shouldn't be closed, as their are a good bait that trolls will pick and will quickly get banned.

Good post btw.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

@ Calamity: Theres a line between joking and personal attacks. It can be a problem of perception, but most of the time the difference is clear and crystal. In fact all that needs to be done is add the "JK" onto your post and a smiley to show that you mean the opposite. Its quite simple and easy to do.

But yep you're 100% right.

@ Trestres

I don't think controversial should be closed but there are differences between "The Xbox360 is going down" and "Why is the Xbox360 not selling more?"

Trolls are trolls anyway, they'll get themselves banned but why let them incite others to troll back at them? It just causes too much anger and retaliation to leave troll threads open, it brings everyone who posts in them down to their level.

I think there should be rules stickied in every thread as to acceptable conduct. That way people can be easily pointed to them if they forget the rules.


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all I can say is report report report.

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@Squilliam: I agree. Also the poster who starts the flamewar should be instantly banned without a warning IMO. A lot of people I see get away really easily with their trolling. Although I also make some stupid statements, but it's because I get baited very quickly.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

This has been issue since I've started coming here. I then joined the forums thinking I could be a voice of reason. I wrote a well thought out and well edited article discussing fanboyism and it was received well by those sensible members. I was met with resistence from troll/fanboy types.

As for what ssj12 said, if it's serious report it. Unfortunately in my experiance much of the behavior isn't banworthy, though it is still highly opinionated troll speak that is detrimental to the community here. It's like this, can you arrest someone for being a jerk? Usually not, but you still are going to dislike that person and get upset. That's how I feel about things around here.

It's really not VGChartz or the moderators fault. This is the state of the internet and humanity. The moderators could try to be harsher, and I would support that. But there would be a lot of angry trollkind yelling "Unfair!"

In my experiance here the best way to deal with trolls is to give them the quick, "Your trolling/fanboyism isn't appreciated" and then ignore them.

good behaviour bonds would be really sweet! we need a full on justice system here, maybe a curfew for the younger users hehe and instead of a blood alcohol limit for the fan boys they could have a fan boy limit, to much fanboying and they get taken down to the station

If at first you don't succeed, you fail

This is what happens when we do our job, however.