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Forums - Gaming Discussion - does any big rpg fan not own a 360?

Videogirl said:
ils411 said:
Videogirl said:
I love JRPGs but none of the 360 jrpg appeal to me mostly because I don't like Sakaguchi's old fashioned games, and I dont like western RPG either. But there's a greater reason : I will never, ever again in my life buy a 360.

how come? let me guess, you got one of those launch 360s or the ones with the xenon mobo

I could care less if it was Xenon, Zephyr, Jasper or whatever craptacular mobo MS is trying to shove down our throats. Point is it lasted hardly 4 months, so yeah I feel like I've got ripped off.   


Woah, did it cost you any money? It shouldn't have. I have bought 2 PSX - 4 PS2's and my PS3 is breaking down, all out of my own pocket and none under warranty. MS>Sony!!!


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I'm one of the biggest JRPG fans around. I don't have a 360. I'm still not done with the old console JRPG generation anyway. Also, none of the JRPGs this gen really feels like they have any sort of generational leap gameplay-wise

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When you look at the disappointing Xbox360-Sales ... yes there are many RPG-Fans who did not own a Xbox :)

The RPGs are still be played best on a PC. The JRPGs will soon all be on the Wii, because the Wii because PS3/XBOX are nonrelevant in japan.

Squilliam said:
Videogirl said:
ils411 said:
Videogirl said:
I love JRPGs but none of the 360 jrpg appeal to me mostly because I don't like Sakaguchi's old fashioned games, and I dont like western RPG either. But there's a greater reason : I will never, ever again in my life buy a 360.

how come? let me guess, you got one of those launch 360s or the ones with the xenon mobo

I could care less if it was Xenon, Zephyr, Jasper or whatever craptacular mobo MS is trying to shove down our throats. Point is it lasted hardly 4 months, so yeah I feel like I've got ripped off.   



Woah, did it cost you any money? It shouldn't have. I have bought 2 PSX - 4 PS2's and my PS3 is breaking down, all out of my own pocket and none under warranty. MS>Sony!!!

Well my PS2 is 7.5 years old and still kicking. And yes I lost about 240$ on games when I swapped my faulty 360 for a 60Go PS3 (April 2007) and so far so good. For me Sony>>>>>>MS !!!!!! 

Oh by the way I also had a PS, Dreamcast, Genesis, and a Gamegear but none ever failed on me.

I'm a rpg fan (maybe not so big, but a fan).
I think I could buy 360 (when this generation ends). This system has already great library (not only rpgs) and I don't see the point of being BS about any console.

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Final Fantasy > anything on wii

i like rpgs but dont own a 360 yet.

I'm a big RPG fan, and I play pretty much every sub-genre: WRPG, JRPG, MMORPG, CORPG, ARPG, etc...

I do not own, nor do I intent to own an Xbox 360. Why? There are no great RPGs in it. My brother has a 360, and I played Lost Odissey, Mass Effect and Blue Dragon. All 3 were enjoyable, but none of them were very good, great or excellent games.

If a console does not have a great RPG in it, then the chances of me buying that console is 0%.

Another reason is that PC has been getting even better RPGs than ever before, and most of them are exclusives. No 360 RPG (or any console RPG this gen) is as great as The Witcher, Mask of the Betrayer or World of Warcraft. And on PC there's Dragon Age, Guild Wars 2, Wrath of the Lich King, Warhammer Online, NWN2: Storm of Zehir, Space Siege and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, all coming out soon.


EDIT: I do have a Wii, but that was because I was attracted by the motion controls, not RPGs.

I like RPGs, but I wouldn't say I am a real big fan. I loved ToS though.

jman8 said:
Squilliam said:
There are Wii fans that like and get RPGs too you know.


Not trying to be an ass, but what RPGs does the Wii have?

Fire Emblem.  Which I enjoy as much as FF.


I would love to play Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean 4. I would have bought a PS3 now for Vesperia but only because Final Fantasy XIII versus really interests me. I don't see why people are saying the 360 is the console for RPGs this generation as there really isn't a console for RPG this generation and won't be. Last generation, we had on PS2: FFX, FFXII, KH1&2, SO3, DQVIII, ToA, ToL and a lot more.

On the 360,there is only Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean 4 on X360. I know there are other games but they are unproven to me.

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