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I'm a big RPG fan, and I play pretty much every sub-genre: WRPG, JRPG, MMORPG, CORPG, ARPG, etc...

I do not own, nor do I intent to own an Xbox 360. Why? There are no great RPGs in it. My brother has a 360, and I played Lost Odissey, Mass Effect and Blue Dragon. All 3 were enjoyable, but none of them were very good, great or excellent games.

If a console does not have a great RPG in it, then the chances of me buying that console is 0%.

Another reason is that PC has been getting even better RPGs than ever before, and most of them are exclusives. No 360 RPG (or any console RPG this gen) is as great as The Witcher, Mask of the Betrayer or World of Warcraft. And on PC there's Dragon Age, Guild Wars 2, Wrath of the Lich King, Warhammer Online, NWN2: Storm of Zehir, Space Siege and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, all coming out soon.


EDIT: I do have a Wii, but that was because I was attracted by the motion controls, not RPGs.