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Forums - Gaming Discussion - does any big rpg fan not own a 360?

Actualy if they make him like meta ridley from metroid that would be cool.

Here is what meta ridley looks like

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ffirebrand_cloud said:
sc94597 said:
ils411 said:
sc94597 said:
ils411 said:
sc94597 said:
The final fantasy series is so overrated it's not even funny. Everybody acts like final fantasy is the best rpg series ever, when it had tons of crap games. This is coming from somebody who played every final fantasy with the exception of 2,5,and 11. So please don't give me this crap that FFXIII will be the best rpg this gen, when the game doesn't even look like a final fantasy game. Why would I want my summons to be motorbikes, and trucks? Final Fantasy is better as a turn-based series anyway. It's only the people who probably never played more than 1 or 2 final fantasy's or never even played one who say it will be the best rpg this gen. Maybe the biggest, with the exception of pokemon, and if dragon quest goes to the wii I could see it selling more, but in production costs it probably will be the biggest. It most likely won't be the best seeing as squares last few entries in the series didn't live up to any of their ps1, or snes final fantasy's. So people stop saying FFXIII will be the best EVAR.

@Op I own a 360, was planning on selling it, but these rpgs are making me keep it.

you sir speak blasphemy!!! bahamut shall smite thee!


Make sure he doesn't run out of fuel first.


fuel?!! ha! surely you jest! bahamut neads no fuel!!...(wait, looks at ffxiii settings....futureistic?...DOH!!!!) damn you and your technicalities!!


I'm assuming if he will be a jet plane because of this

Yep they are motorcycles.




Having taken that aside, well seriously i have no words fot that. First they screw up with semi shitty FFXII and now they turn shiva into a damn motorcycle!!!???? oh god WTF. Oh and also Mr. Nomura has begun to develop an obsesion for fashionable clothes, implementing his characters with damn clothes that make them look rather common and dull. This thing apllies to FFXIII. So far Lightining ssems to be a damn common s**t and the other yellow haired guy seems like an as***le.

What are they turning FF series into???? A complete piece of SHIT.


I wasn't expecting too much in the first place, seeing as the last good FF was FFX and that wasn't anything compared to the older games. They make  FFXI an mmo, then FFXII real time and take out almost everthing that makes an ff game, and now  I hope they could learn from their mistake and go back to the roots of the series with FFXIII, but I don't see it happening from these screens. Maybe FFXIV.


ffirebrand_cloud said:
sc94597 said:
ils411 said:
sc94597 said:
ils411 said:
sc94597 said:
The final fantasy series is so overrated it's not even funny. Everybody acts like final fantasy is the best rpg series ever, when it had tons of crap games. This is coming from somebody who played every final fantasy with the exception of 2,5,and 11. So please don't give me this crap that FFXIII will be the best rpg this gen, when the game doesn't even look like a final fantasy game. Why would I want my summons to be motorbikes, and trucks? Final Fantasy is better as a turn-based series anyway. It's only the people who probably never played more than 1 or 2 final fantasy's or never even played one who say it will be the best rpg this gen. Maybe the biggest, with the exception of pokemon, and if dragon quest goes to the wii I could see it selling more, but in production costs it probably will be the biggest. It most likely won't be the best seeing as squares last few entries in the series didn't live up to any of their ps1, or snes final fantasy's. So people stop saying FFXIII will be the best EVAR.

@Op I own a 360, was planning on selling it, but these rpgs are making me keep it.

you sir speak blasphemy!!! bahamut shall smite thee!


Make sure he doesn't run out of fuel first.


fuel?!! ha! surely you jest! bahamut neads no fuel!!...(wait, looks at ffxiii settings....futureistic?...DOH!!!!) damn you and your technicalities!!


I'm assuming if he will be a jet plane because of this

Yep they are motorcycles.




Having taken that aside, well seriously i have no words fot that. First they screw up with semi shitty FFXII and now they turn shiva into a damn motorcycle!!!???? oh god WTF. Oh and also Mr. Nomura has begun to develop an obsesion for fashionable clothes, implementing his characters with damn clothes that make them look rather common and dull. This thing apllies to FFXIII. So far Lightining ssems to be a damn common s**t and the other yellow haired guy seems like an as***le.

What are they turning FF series into???? A complete piece of SHIT.


Her bra is falling off... surely with futuristic technology they could achieve a bra that doesn't come off in combat?

Oh and that motorcycle head thing is in apreciation for all those african women who have to walk miles with a bottle of water on their heads.



I really love Rpg's, I play them all the time, and I don´t own a 360, and I never will, as I don´t have enough money to even buy a Ps3( which is the console I want).

I hope to be able to buy one soon and then get JRPG's, as FFXIII ( hope it turns out well), White Knight Story, and every non Mistwalker JRPG that has come for the 360, as i predict they will eventually come out for PS3.

with all the FF XIII stuff, they have said they want to make it feel more new, and have a more active battle system, so they wont be going back to roots. I have no problem with a game series changing

OT: I will have one shortly

Around the Network
Munkeh111 said:
with all the FF XIII stuff, they have said they want to make it feel more new, and have a more active battle system, so they wont be going back to roots. I have no problem with a game series changing

OT: I will have one shortly

I'm not talking about gameplaywise. I'm talking about the setting actually being a final fantasy game. If XII was named something else, you would have never thought of it to have anything In common with FF. I already know they will never go back to turnbased, and hope they make a new turnbased series to replace it.


Me. And I'll never get a 360.

sc94597 said:
Munkeh111 said:
with all the FF XIII stuff, they have said they want to make it feel more new, and have a more active battle system, so they wont be going back to roots. I have no problem with a game series changing

OT: I will have one shortly

I'm not talking about gameplaywise. I'm talking about the setting actually being a final fantasy game. If XII was named something else, you would have never thought of it to have anything In common with FF. I already know they will never go back to turnbased, and hope they make a new turnbased series to replace it.



What do you mean, less technologically advanced? You want them to leave the sci-fi for Star Ocean

I don't own a 360 either and I do like RPGs( they are not the only kind of games I play though..)

PS : Personally I enjoyed FF moving to real time with FF XII, the gambit system especially took care of a lot of the non fun stuff you had to do in FF games ( healing after fights, buffing, all kind of things I personnally don't care to do myself and rather have the characters automatically do..)

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Munkeh111 said:
sc94597 said:
Munkeh111 said:
with all the FF XIII stuff, they have said they want to make it feel more new, and have a more active battle system, so they wont be going back to roots. I have no problem with a game series changing

OT: I will have one shortly

I'm not talking about gameplaywise. I'm talking about the setting actually being a final fantasy game. If XII was named something else, you would have never thought of it to have anything In common with FF. I already know they will never go back to turnbased, and hope they make a new turnbased series to replace it.



What do you mean, less technologically advanced? You want them to leave the sci-fi for Star Ocean

No, I'm talking about things that are common in every final fantasy  aren't as abundant, and/or have been changed drastically in FFXII.