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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Please don't remake Final Fantasy 6 for DS

bigjon said:
I will buy FF6 remake no matter where it goes. It is one of the Few FFs I have not yet played(1,2,5,6)


You got a SNES? If so, go to Ebay and buy FF3(ff6) right now. Your missing out on the party bro!!@@!@!@!@!123   3


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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bigjon said:
I will buy FF6 remake no matter where it goes. It is one of the Few FFs I have not yet played(1,2,5,6)


Well I must admit that you probably missed out on 2 of the greatest FF games.  FF6 is the greatest FF game, followed by the cornerstone of JRPG gaming, FF1.  Although FF1 is lacking in almost every form of storyline, it probably has one of the best replay values of a JRPG.

I have been thinking about replaying this game for a while actually. If it is released, a remake is still an easy 3+ years away at the least. Possibly more if it isn't a handheld remake.

So if anyone wishes to experience this gem, might as well play now or wait half a decade or more.

If it for some reason is not remade... then those who pass it up now will kick themselves in the pants a few years down the line. :)

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Euphoria14 said:
^Heh, nice double post. :p

Yes I agree there are plenty of RPG's that would work well on the Wii and it does seem like turn based is fading, although I seriously do not want every game I play to require gestures and hand movements.

I have always been one to get out of work, come home and game for a couple of hours and head off to sleep. I am more of a kick back and relax gamer. Have been for over 20 years now.

Not to say they shouldn't make them, but I dread the day turn based vanishes. Thank Mistwalker for breathing some life back into the genre with Lost Odyssey, easily one of the top RPG's this gen.


Yeah I love turn based rpgs, but I guess real time rpgs are more popular. At least there are alot of good turnbased rpgs on the 360 and ds, and last renmant seems to be a good multiplatform TB RPG. I just hope there is something new that is thought of that will revive turn based rpgs. At least there are a few that come out this year. I plan on getting all of the DQ remakes and IX because I thought XIII was pretty good, and the last renment seems nice. There are also a few good looking ones on the ds, and there is this one game black sigil that looks like a chrono trigger rip, but that is basically a good thing. I would also like it if nintendo and camelot made some mroe golden sun games for the ds and wii.

^Agreed, Golden Sun really needs a new game. I would love to see a new one on the DS, it has been a handheld RPG to begin with. :)

I am also tired of waiting for SMRPG on the VC. :( I heard it is coming out in Japan though, so maybe it isn't too far behind for me in the US. Oh how I dream.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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Euphoria14 said:
^Agreed, Golden Sun really needs a new game. I would love to see a new one on the DS, it has been a handheld RPG to begin with. :)

I am also tired of waiting for SMRPG on the VC. :( I heard it is coming out in Japan though, so maybe it isn't too far behind for me in the US. Oh how I dream.

Smrpg was my first game. I still have it too. There are alot of games that need to be released on VC. I just inject roms into wads for some using homebrew. That is how I got chrono trigger on my wii. It's not exactly piracy, because I have the game it just doesn't save anymore and if they release it on vc then I will buy it, but I don't see that happening. I might start doing that with more games, but it took me forever to figure out how to get it to work.


Euphoria14 said:
^Agreed, Golden Sun really needs a new game. I would love to see a new one on the DS, it has been a handheld RPG to begin with. :)

I am also tired of waiting for SMRPG on the VC. :( I heard it is coming out in Japan though, so maybe it isn't too far behind for me in the US. Oh how I dream.


SM:RPG, it is such a shame that Square and Nintendo had a falling out post-SNES :(

largedarryl said:
Euphoria14 said:
^Agreed, Golden Sun really needs a new game. I would love to see a new one on the DS, it has been a handheld RPG to begin with. :)

I am also tired of waiting for SMRPG on the VC. :( I heard it is coming out in Japan though, so maybe it isn't too far behind for me in the US. Oh how I dream.


SM:RPG, it is such a shame that Square and Nintendo had a falling out post-SNES :(


Well at least they got over it, and now square seems to be supporting the ds more than anything. I could see alot of wii support from them too.

A little off topic: How is it not possible to put a classic RPG on a Wii with the Wii-mote? Not all DS games use touch screen, so why would a Wii game absolutely use the pointer/waggle?

Also the nunchuk and Wii-Mote are more than enough for the controls... Joystick=Control A=Confirm/Talk/Check B=Cancel ect... You could choose the buttons you want to use.

It could work and while at it they could ad gamecube and classic controller support.

BUT I'd prefer to see FF6 remake on DS, if they make one.