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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What game or games made you a true gamer.

Started gaming with C64 and mario bros on NES, but it was FF and Dragon Warrior that got me hooked.

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I started with an atari 2600, but i never vested any substantial amount of time into any of those games, except for Pitfall and Moon Patrol

Link to the Past started it for me. Each Zelda iteration really kept pushing me, but credit must go to Mario 64 and FFVII.

My Games of 2011:

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Super Mario 3D Land

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

Paper Mario for the N64, i did everything to writing down item lists to a map

I would have to say Tales of Symphonia quite honestly.
Paper Mario was a precursor, though it didn't get me into RPGs.

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zelda oot.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

As a kid i was playing games like galaga in acades


but the real interest kicked in with games like


Shinobi, Ghost N Goblins, Bubble Bobble, Double Dragon, out run,rainbow islands, wonderboy in monsterland


afterwards i lost my interest for some time


then Street Fighter 2 and nba jam made me visit the arcades again


the last arcade game that i enjoyed was Virtua Tennis 1


im not talking about home entertainment

because i think what made me a gamer was the coin-ops and not the home systems








When I was 3 years old this cool dude let me play Duck hunt on NES and it was over. I got my first Nintendo for my 4th birthday 1986.

Mischief Makers. Haha, I absolutely loved that game. Before that I mostly played sports game and major titles. Mischief Makers got me far deeper into gaming.