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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What is the better final fantasy game Final fantasy X or Final fantasy 12

X,because it had a love story.=] XII was not so bad if you could understand the story,but i felt no emotion for the characters.That was a big letdown.

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FF10 shits on FF12

12 sucks donkey penis

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!




thats right, I dont like 7 that much.


Golden Sun > All Other RPGs

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

Final Fantasy X is the better game. FFXII's story sucks; The character's weren't great. I appreciate what FFXII tried to do, but you know.

XII Wins in:
Voice Acting
Monster Diversity (Rare monsters were a nice touch)
Best random ties to other games (Zeromus, Gilgamesh etc)

X Wins in:
Everything else, and there's a lot of categories I can make up if I need to.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

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Guess I'm the only one that loves XII.

ff12 why? ffx has the worst dubbing i've ever heard.

XII is better than X- FF 12 it has better graphics, story, game play.

FFX...but you msut realize FF12 INNOVATED a LOT!

First of all FF12 changed battle system dynamics, voice acting & made there not exactly be a "main" character

even if Vaan was said to be the main....Balthier called himself the leading man...but the story was most about Ash & Basch trying to save & regain Dalmasca

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


10, I still prefer turn based games to world of warcraft style battles. If it had a system more action oriented like Star Ocean I would have been sold, but the action + ATB bars was annoying. the AI was ok, but I spent plenty of time saving my party's ass.